StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Last nIiTe ii went pArkwae Miit lena after mY 7 pm cloSiing...
UsuallY wheneva ii m doiing closiing...
ii would go straiight back to ah ma hse 4 diinner...
coz the walk from shaws to ah ma hse iis juz onlii 15 miins...
unlyke my hse iit would tk 2 least 1/2 hr...
so when lena told me dat she can miit me 4 diinner ytd...
ii iimmediiately coR ah ma n told her 2 tell her maiid noT 2 CoOk mY share...
but b coz most of the tiime we go to parkway...
thus actually there wasn't mUch tiiNks 4 us to buY there esp 4 her...
But fiinAlly she managed to get herself a men's cutiing nIke t- shiirt @ isetan...
Ii On the oTher hand went to Goldheart jeweLLeRy n showed lEna the jewelleriies whiich ii wiill b Purchasiing 4 my cOusiin siis b dae as well as the giift whiich ii wan My mummY 2 buy 4 me...
we waLked n Chatted aLong the wae...
B4 we bade each other gd bYes...
StePh reallii felt apoLogetiic 2 all of mY frenz 4 spEndiiNg theiir preciious tiimes wiif me @ PaRkWae...
No chOiice stePh coUld nOt gO Out tiill late iin The niiTe...
thus ii Can oNlii gO to the nearest shOppIIng mall whiiCh iis PArkWay pAradE...
sO sad n suEy...
Hu ask StePh tiill nW stiill Hv cUrfews FroM pArents... >.<

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