StePh wOnderEd n Tot...
cOnfuSed n BaffLed...
WhiICh 1 sHld ii ChooSe...
tHe 1 ii Noe 4 oNlii 2 Mths bUt gOt tOk evErytiimE we c eacH other...
Or the oTher 1 whOm ii Had KnoWn 4 6 mths...
But oNlii cOmmuNiicAted wheN ii Got the chANce to c hIim iiN sch...
Both hEld bErii RePutAblE poSt iiN TheiiR cOmPanIies...
BoTh hAd iinDiiviiDual tRaiits whiICh attracTs sTeph Much...
Howeva stePh could nOt deciiDe oN hU iis Beta...
Hu wiill giiF stePh a sensE oF secUriiTy...
n sO coIincIidEntallY...
Both oF them R iiN theiiR 30's...
Whiich stePh fiiNDs dat iis a bErii gd tiinK...
coZ they r ablE to let sTePh feeL pRotectEd n cOmfoRted...
N as they have more experiiences...
They r able to help me shLd stePh encOunter anii Probs iin My lIife...
wOrsE cOme to The Worse...
let's pLAy ee Ni mA nI ee Ni mO loRz...
C iin The end whiiCh wan wiill B StePh's Mr. Riite!!!
hEe... =p
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