SundAy mOrniiNG...
DaddY suGgEsted dat we gO 2 mArinA sQuare 4 lUnch iinSteAd of goiiNg to oUr usuAl luNch pLAce @ ah mA hsE...
After sTePh hAd fiiniiShed 1 oF her dvd oF the drama seriies 'My SassY cHun hYanG'...
We all Got readY 2 gO ouT 4 ouR lunCh...
1st stOp we went 2 the liiBrary 2 rtN as Well as bOrroW aNother sEt oF booKs...
As StePh tot dat we wiill b juz dumpiing the bKs & gO w/O boRroWiinG anIimOre...
ii Diid nOt bRiinG my liibrarY cArd aloNG...
iiT wAs unTiil wHen we ReachEd the GeyLang East liiBrarY...
Den dAddY saiiD dat we wiill b BorroWiinG bKs...
Ii Had no cHoiicE bUt 2 Share wiiF daddY & boRroWed HarrY pOtter 'The dEathLy hArrOws' & 'The 1/2 bLood pRinCe' 4 boTh ii As Well as mY dad...
WhiilE mY mAiid SenLy bOrroWed aNothEr exErciiSe bK 4 hiiMselF b4 we headed next to MS...
When we reacHed Ms...
After we had parked oUr cAr...
wE wEnt to the fOodcOurt n oRdered oUr lUnch...
StePh had actuallY wanted to eat the wontoN mee frOm 1 of her fave stall there...
Howeva when stePh went there...
ii Saw dat the staLl hAd chAngEd 2 a pRata Stall...
My wontoN mEe sTall hAd ClOsed doWn...
SeeMS dat stePh's has beeN jiinXed wheneva iit comes to fooD b cOZ...
wAdeva fOOd stePh luRves to eat...
thE stall wiiLl suRe 2 cLose dOwn 4 gd...
Thus ii HAd nO choiiCe bUT to woNtoN mEe fRom AnothEr stall seLlIing HoNG kOng roasted mEat...
When we had all FiiniiShed ouR lunCh...
Dad saiiD we wanted to Go ShOppIing @ JoHn LiTtlE 2 Buy sOme oF hiis troUsers n WorkiiNG shIIrts...
sTepH wenT 2 c her pErfuMe n FiinAlly mAnaged 2 get daddY 2 bUy a boTtlE of pAris HiltOn 'Can Can' PerfUme 4 me 4 $90.00 as A b dae giift...
dEn stePh went to uy 2 coSmetiic pOuches as well as liingeriies...
By the tiime we went 2 the cashiier cOunter 2 PAy $$$...
Our shoppiing basket was bErii BErii Full!!!
iiT was oVer lOAded wiif mY stuFfs...
SenlY's clOthes...
Daddy's offiICe wear n ah ma's sandals...
wAds mOre shoCkiing was dat...
dEspIite JohN liTtlE was dOiing a proMo...
They diid nOt add iin GsT...
ThanK gOd iiT has bEen waiiVed...
Howeva oUr total came Out to be $456.90!!!
My dad was lyke 'Wad the hell hv we been pUrchAsiiNG???'
Aniiwae nO matter wad...
laSt buT noT least...
ii would lyke to thank my maiid sEnlY 4 buyiiNg me a 'LiTtle Miss BossY' t shIirt as A bDae giiFt... ")
n shE's oso the oNly 1 to sPend alMost 1/2 the amt From the biill... >.<
nV kNew shE coUld b anoTher gD spEnder apArt fRom mE... =p
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