Ytd we went oVer 2 our nEiighbOur's hse 4 diinner...
Mr. n Mrs.Li iinviiTed uS oVer 2 Joiin them iiN the 'Lau yU shEng' pRocessIiOn...
oSo sUndAe wAs chu Xii...
SupPosEdLy iiN cHiinEse CustoM...
iiT wAs evEryBodY's biiRthDay...
ThUs thEy cAn tK tiiS chANce to cElebRate...
oSo the same @ unCle john's hSe...
DiinnEr stArts @ 7 pm...
sO stEph's famiilY wenT oVer @ Ard 6.50 pm n we bEgaN 2 lAu yU shEng whIile mrs. Li saiID all the Niice woRds...
dEn we aLl sat dOwn 4 DiinnEr...
wOw Mrs. Li iis sUch a gd Cook n Steph iis reallY nOt bRaggiiNg!!!
tHe yU shEng wAs cOokEd By hEr...
Iit wAs a FruiiT salAd kiind of yU sHeNg as Mrs. Li uSed frUiits iiNSteAd oF wAd wE uSuallY eAt oUtsiiDe...
dEn shE cooKed a bOwl oF sharks fIins sOup...
bRaiised abalonE wiiF mUshRooMs...
tHaii sWeet n SoUr fiiSh...
HokkIien mEe...
yAm CakE...
NgO hEoNG...
N a Biig bOwl oF sOup cOnsiITiing oF 7 diiFf tYpes oF vEgEtablEs sOlelY 4 tiiS oCcasiiOn...
ii TiiNk iiN cHiinEsE iiS cOr 'ReN Ri' meaNiinG pEoPle'S dAe...
n SomEmOre dAt dae was Chu Qii thus the 7 veGgiiEs iiN thE sOup...
After the mAiin cOuRse...
wE had desSerts...
Mrs. Li cOokEd a Pot of WhiiTe lOTus wiiF red Dates n Longan sOup...
iIT wAs sWeet n gd 4 compLexiiOn as wEll as thRoat...
nExt was a plate oF nIian gaO friIEd 2GethEr wiiF yAm...
They r a warMiiNg fAmiiLy n OpenEd 2 bOttlEs oF ReD WiiNE...
pOuRiiNG n RefiiLliinG 4 eAch 1 oF uS...
Mr. n Mrs. Li's dauGhter n sOn- iin -laW r oso bErii FriiEndlY...
They triied theiir best to strIkkE uP cOnvErsatiiOns wiiF us whEn thEy felt dat the atmosphere was Not riite...
By the tiimE...
StePh siiPPed the last bIit of wiine...
Mrs. li started to pAck the remaiiniing fOod 4 uS to BriiNG hm...
@ the sAme tiime she oso RemiiNDed mummY nOt to Buy anii food fRom oUtsIide the next ime rOund We cOme 2 theiir hse...
AppArently mUmmY felT paii Seh dat we go 2 theiir hse empty handed...
ThUS sHe went to the restauRant oUtsiiDe oUr hSe n PurchAsed a bOx of DruMstiiCks as WeLl as oAtmEal cOatEd pRawNs...
After diinner...
the adults sat down n coNtiiNue 2 chat...
whiiLe ii bAde them gd byes n rushed off 2 mIit wiNNiE...
tIIRED DAE BuT tHANK GoD STEpH MaNAGeD 2 nAp 4 a few hRs after reTuRniiNG hm FrOm Shop N saVe iin the early afternooN after her lUnch @ Ah MA's hSe... ")
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