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Thursday, February 26, 2009

SmAlL bLacK pOuChE

Tiis BlacK coLouRed mEdiiUm siIZed pOuCh...

stePh bOugHt iIT @ the sAnrIo CounTer @ pArkWay IsEtaN wHen Ii Was Out On mY shOppIing sPree wiiF lEna...

DesPiite hAviiNG bOught maNy PoucHEs of diiFfErenT paTterns latelY...


StePh stiiLl cOuld nOt resiiSt the temptatIioN of BuyiiNG nEw 1's agaiin...

Tiis tIimE rOund stePh iis crazY oVer shOrts fRom CottoN oN n poUchEs oF aNii BranDs...

aFter bUyiiNG tiis 4 $13.95...

stEpH tOt of wad 2 pUt n fIinallY deciIDed 2 stuFf all Her ladiies' mthLy tiiNgy iin 2 dat pOuch...

Den after walKiing anOther rOund @ pArkWae...

sTePh n Lena came to a nOvelTy bOoth oUtsiiDe sinGteL sHop n saw anOther pOuch as sHoWn iiN bLue cOloUr...

Tiis iis cOnsiiDered as a B'dae pResEnt fRom StePh's GoD mUm...

ThanK yOu so MuchIie mummY!!!


Well As Tiis iis a PresEnt...
thUs oBviiOusLy sTePh wiiLl nOt dIivuLdgE the PriiCe oF tiis PoUcH...
bUt 1 mAiiN uSe 4 iiT wiiLl b the sAme as The sAnrIo bLacK PoUch...
cOZ sTePh hAs Too Manii PaDs 2 KiiP...
So Wiif These 2 pOuChes...
tHey EnabLe sTePh 2 StuFf aS mAny oF the pAds ii LykE... ")

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