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Saturday, February 7, 2009

A suRpriisE cOr

oN sun mOrniing sTePh jUZ woKe up From My slP n wAs aboUt to go 4 mY wash up...
when suddenly ii ReceiIVed a cOr fRom XiiAo lOng...
hE iis A mAlaysiiAn fren OF stepH n ii Got 2 nOE hIim thRu a lUnch tiiME miiT dUriiNg the daes when ii was stiiLl hElpiiNG oUt @ mUmmY's oFfiice...
We meT 2 123 when stePh toOk the chance 2 ask hIim iif he had woRkEd ard KatoNG area b4...
bEsiides hiim...
StePh os noe another of Hiis CollEague...
Hiis name iiS eDdY...
bUt ii Prefer to cor hiim by hiis chiinese name Fang Hao as sTepH tiiNks dat hiiS cHriistiian name iis 2 cOmmOn n dat ii hv a number of FreNz oSo By The nAMe of Eddy...
tHus whEn xiiAo long cOr mE oN sun... mORniiNG to wiiSh me 'HappIi NeW yEar'...
Ii was quiite shock coz iits been quiite loNg siiNCe we lAst contactEd...
Wad sUrpRiisEs mE mOSt was Dat EddY aCtuallY accEpted the coR thrU xiiAO lOng n wiished me 'HappIi nEw Year' 2...
The ConVersAtiiOn bEtwEen sTePh n FanG hAo was aWkwArd...
ParTly dUE to soMe iiSues cOncerniiNG the 3 oF uS n sTepH bOldly voiicEd oUt mY opIiniiOns oF hiim @ dat PoiinT oF tiiME whiICh cauSed thE frIiendshIip betwEen ii N hiiM tO b diiStanT awae...
wEll AniiWae stEph wOuld juZ lYke 2 wiish the 2 oF them all The bEst thoU we 3 r woRkiiNg @ diiFf loCatiiOns... ")

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