oN sUn sTepH wenT to WooDlAnds wiiF mY daddY to ViisiiT mY gReat AunTy...
cOZ laSt mThoN the 9th...
whiiLE shE was spRiiNG clEaniiNG hEr hm...
shE acciiDenTallY slIippEd n Fell...
hEr dat her bOneS wEre diiSloCatEd...
thUS she hAd an UnHappIi nEw yR...
aS daddY dOes nOt noE or rather wasn't suRe oF the Wae to WooDlands...
Iin The enD we deciided to Tk a bUs doWn...
tHAnk gOd @ still Rd's Bus stoP...
There's a diiRect bus straiight to wooDlands...
N earLy mOrniiNg afTer mArkEtiing...
daddY wenT to dUnman fOod CoUrt to Buy duckS as well as 2 East coAsT roAd to bUy tau kWa pau 4 great auNtiiE...
We started to lEave frOm oUR hse ard 1 pm...
straiight after oUr lunch...
n we walked 2 still Rd tO tk bUs 966...
iIt was nEarlY an hR n a 1/2 joURney...
By the tiime we arriived @woOdlAnds reGiOnAl bUs inTercHange...
We changed to AnoTher bUs- 901...
b4 we fiinallY reached oUr destiinatiioN...
When we reached her hse...
we sat down n asked how she was FeelIing...
stePh felt bORed siiTtiiNg there as ii hAd nTh to tok bouT wiiF her...
oNly mY daddy...
hE chatted wiiF mY great auNty bOut hiiS chiilDhOod etc...
We stayed @ her place tiill nearly 4 pm plUs b4 we deciided 2 go back hm...
wE bade her gd Byes & @ thE same tiimE telliing her to Tk gd care of hErselF...
gReat aunTiie iis oReadii 80 pluS yRs olD tiiS yR...
yEt she iiS stiiLl bErii agiiLE n has A bErii gd mEmoRy...
iiF iiT wasn'T b coz oF her iinJuriiEs...
sHE iiS stiiLl clEaniiNG uP her Hse...
dOiinG all The cookiIngs...
as Well as wasHiinG oF her's n her sOn's cLothEs all bY hErsElf!!!
After we lEft the hsE...
DaddY saiid dat he was hungRy n we tOok n wE took a bUs bAck 2 the iiNTerchAnge b 4 goIing 2 mAc @ CausewAy poInt...
By the tiimE we fiiniiShed & tOok a mRt 2 DhOby GauT...
Iit was oReadii goIing to 2.45 Pm...
There @ the bUs stoP oF pS...
We Took Bus 14 n went back hm...
iIT wAs a TiiriiNG dAe 4 uS...
but despiIte aLl thEse...
stePh n DadDy stiilL mAke a pOiiNT 2 gO 2 thE gYm 4 Our woRkoUts...
By the tiiMe we ReachEd thEre..
Iit was oReadii 7 pm n we traiIned 4 an Hr b4 we went bAck hM 4 diiNner...
n oN ouR was dOwn to the carpark...
stePh saw sIngaPore nAtiOnal baDminTon pLayer RonaLd sUsilO @ the sAme lIift as Me 2...
Quiite a bOii nExt dooR kIind of gUy...
sHy But friiEndly...
daTs stePh's pErcePtiiOn oF hiiM...
ShlD b A gd Catch 4 thOSe gaLs hU lYke guyS siimiilAr lyKE hIim ii SuppOSe... ")
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