MonDae niiTe Auntiie Sharen cOr me to fiinD ouT whEther ii Got anii plans 4 mY 21st bdae...
When ii told her nOpe...
sHe saiid dat she & her famiily wiill b comiing oVer 2 mY hse 2 celebrate...
As usUal...
Every yr stePh wiiLl sUre 2 b cElebratiing 2gEther wiiF jiie jiiE...
Thus aUntiie shAren saiid dat they wiill b cOmiinG ovEr next suNdae...
1 dae earliiEr b4 mY actual b'dae whiich falls on 9th mArch...
she saiid dat she wiill b bUyiing n iice cream cake...
as 4 where 2 go 4 diinner..
we wiill deciide ltr when the dae comes nearer...
N stePh reallIi loVes auNTy shAren loAds coz she wiill Sure to buy me presents whiich mY pArents dUn wiish 2 wasTe theiiR $$$ on...
Tiis tiime rouND iis Oso the same...
she's goiing to get me a new hii fii set!!!
Tiis iis wad steph has been pesteriing daddy siince my last miinii cOmpo was spOiilt...
thank u so mUchiiE aUnty sharen 4 dotiing on Me manii manii tiimEs mOreden mY pArents do...
Aniiwae stepH iis reallii truLy exciited bout my 21st b dae...
DunnoE wad oTHer surpriises ii wiill b gettiing...
bUt yEt @ the same tiime...
Iit means dat subsequent tiime wiill pass quiickly oNce a pErsoN has passed 21 yrs olD...
Oh No...
CouNtiing of the numbers of yrs down the rd 2 30 yrs old wiill b cOmiiNG bErii SooN...
Stiill Hv nOT tot of anii wiishes yet...
HopEfuLly 21 yrs old b dae wiishes can reallii coMe true & aLlOwiiNg me 2 fulfiil every siiNgle 1 oF them...
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