StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

ViiSiiT 2 6th AunTy's Hse

Dear EthAn @ plAy

Ytd Ii toOk mY bErii 1st LeavE fRom ShaW's 4 2009...

B 4 taKiiNG the LeavE...

Ii hAd iiT aLl PlannEd oUt wAd iI wiIll B goIiNG to Do On Dat dAe...

ThuS yTd The momEnt ii WokE uP...

@ aRd 9.05 am...

Ii Giif 6th aUnty a Cor asKiiNG hEr iiF iiT wIill B cOnvEniiEnt 4 StePh 2 PAy hEr as Well As aLl mY yOunG cOusiiNs a ViisiiT @ hEr Joo ChaIt TerRaCe ResiiDenTiial TerrAce...

We stayed berii near to each Other sO iits quiiTe ez accessIiblE 4 sTePh 2 gO 2 her hSe...

When she agreed...

sTeph went 2 wash uP n gOt reay 2 go 4 breakfast wiiF mY pArents @ PArkWay hawkEr cTr...

2dae stepH nEarlY wOkE up @ 7.30 am..

The same tiime whiich Ii usUallY wakEs Up DuRiiNG wOrkiiNG daYs...

Nw stePh's bOdy sYstEm has BeeN iiN tUne Wiif HaiG Girls' sChooL daiiLy nAtiiOnal AthEm...

Thank God ii WAS ABle To gEt bacK 2 slp w/o WakiiNG Up...

@ the hAwkEr ctr...

StePh oRdered kWay chap 4 mYselF as well as My pArents...

Ii oSo OrdEred tK aWayS diiM sUm 2 brIing 2 6th aUnty's hse as StePh fElt pAii sEh 2 gO to hEr plAce emPty hanDed...

AnoTher reasOn wAs b Coz sTePh waNted 2 ThanK hEr 4 oWaes cOokIing diiNner 4 me whenEva ii WenT oVer to Play wiiF mY cOusiiNS iiN the pAst...

ExacTly @ 11.30 am...

6th UncLE cAme 2 mY hSe after fEtcHiinG EtHAn n MeGan FrOm Sch...

There ii PlayEd wiiF thEM...

Fed them Lunch...

n ReadIIng sToriiEs 2 them...

TiiME passEs reallIi quIIcklY...

Iin A blIink Of an eyE...

Ethan iiS oReadii Iin K1 whEreas MegAn iiS iiN n1...

Not oNly iis Ethan mY cOusiiN...

He was oSo mY sTudEnt lasT yR @ St. HilDa'S nUrsEry when hE was sTiill @ N2...


n They r all sO gRowN Up Nw...

iI pLAYeD wiIF the kIIds tiiLl 1.15 pm b 4 badiiNG them gd bYes b coz stePh stiiLl hAs 2Nd actiIViity gOiing oN...

Dats NoNE Other deN gOiiNG oUt wiIF mY bEloved YvOnne!!!

We r goIiNg sHoppIIng desPiitE sTePh nOt gettiIng My salAry yet...


Whiich oso Means To sae dat ii Hv to bUdgEt mY spENdiiNGs...


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