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Friday, February 13, 2009

MiiT uP wiiF nAncY

oN weD sTePh wEnt 4 lunch wiIF nAncy sOmewhEre nEar to My woRkplAce...

thUS ii diid nOt gO bacK 2 my grandmA's hse 4 lUnch...

cOz nAncy wiill b leaviiNG 4 melbOurNe oN 15th oF fEb 2009 tiis ComIing sUn 2 Go 4 her fUrther stuDiies...

dAt's y wE dEciiDed To Miit uP...

Iit wiiLl b AnOther 9 mths b4 wE can C each other aGaiiN...

nAncy iis mY chiiLDhOod fRen...

StePh n hEr hv known Each other siiNCe kiinDergArteN dAyS...

sO we esP cHeriiShed our friiEndshIip bErii MucH...

iiTs bErii hard 2 hv suCh lOng frenShiiP wiiF a FreN...

buT yEt wE managEd 2...


a Rare aFfIinIity iiNDeeD...

StePh cOuld Juz oNlii Sae dat ii Wiill Miiz HEr loAds...

BoN voYagE 2 u Gal!!!

aLl The bEst to u Fren!!!

dO tk Care lOads!!!

lAst But nOt lEaSt...

MuZ fIind uR tRuE lUrVe sOoN sOmEwHerE oUT 1 TherE k???

lOlx... ")

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