On mOn aFter woRk...
sTePh went to StylE hAiiR sTudiiO onCe agaiin to Hv mY haiir triiMEd even shOrter...
wiiLl UploAd the pIics of mY nEw haiir style when ii Hv the tiime...
aFteR the cuT...
StepH went to pArkwAe pArade 2 look; loOk n C; c...
fiIrst stOp ii Went to 77th stReet...
AcTuallY hAd waNted to shoW CinDy a.k.a. niianG mY nEw hAiir cUt...
howeVa sTeph was sEniiLE n cOmplEtely 4goTten dAt she had told me she wiill b takiiNG 2 dayS off tiis week...
Thus when ii Entered the shOp...
ii askEd her collEague n she told me dat she wiill b on leave 4 2 days...
tIis den suDdenlY dawnEd oN stePh...
Den StePh weNt to pOh kIm VideoS n deciiDed 2 Check On the lAtest arriivalS oF dvds...
HoweVa sTepH hAd to B cOnsCiioUs wiiF her spEndiiNG as ii OnlIi had sOme bUcks less Den a $100.00 lEft...
sO aftEr sEeiiNG n BrowsiiNg thRu...
StePh went to sEmBawang mUsiic & pUrchAseD 2 iiDol dRamA cOmplIilatiIon cDs...
As stePh was boUt 2 leave 4 hm...
ii Saw a guy whOm stePh has taken a fancy 2 quIite recentlY b coz iiN moSt asPect...
hE reSembLes StePh's Mr. Y tAkiiNG the escalatOr uP...
CuriioUs bOut where he iis headiiNG 2 as hiiS sHop was @ the bAsemenT...
sTepH fOlloWed bEhiinD...
cOr mE a stalKer oR pErvErt as u wiiSh after reaDiinG tiis...
ii dUn giif a damn...
sTepH juZ lYkes 2 dO tiiNks mY oWn wAe...
hOweVa as sTepH was 2 pAii sEh 2 follOW fUrtHEr 4 fEar daT hE may nOtiice mE...
sTeph Walked straIight iiN 2 a DepartmEntal stOre n staYed iin there 2 brOWse sOme clOthes 4 a fEw miiNs...
UntiiL fiinAllY whEn sTePh cAme oUt n Walked fuRthEr doWn...
He AppEared iin fRont oF mE!!!
iIt was A coiinCiiDenT dat hE iis iin Charge of the pRomotiioNal stuFfs whiich hiiS cOmpaNy iiS pRomOtiiNg 4 vAlEntinE's Day...
ii Walked up To Hiim n WiiShed hiim a 'Happy New Year' b4 askiing Hiim to recomMenD stEph hiis nEw sTufFs...
n iiT was A pLeasaNt oUtcOme for stePh!!!
Hee... ")
He iis oSo another person sTepH nOEs hu iiS fRom MAlAysiiA...
mAyb stepH reallIi fated 2 mArry a malaysiian as ii Oso HV relatiives marrYiiNG 2 mAlaysiian guYs 2...
aNiiwae mOn was the best dae 4 stePh as ii wAs oVerjOyed bY the answers whiiCh ii hAd bEen yEarniiNG n hopIing to hear frOm hiis Mouth... ")
P.S. hE eVen agreEd to bRiinG stePh toUr ard hiis hM towN iin fUtuRe!!! ")
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