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Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Dae oUt wiiF lEna

Thurs stepH mEt hEr pRii Sch fren lEna @ pArkwae paRade 4 diinnEr...

4 tiis wholE week...

stepH has been doiing sch closiinG 4 3 days...


n ends work @ 7 pm...

we went to sTylE hAiir studiio as she wants to triim her haiir...

den stepH sat down besiidde Gavin n chatted wiif hiim...

diin noe dat ii could actually chat so niicely wiif hiim...

coz apparently...

wheneva we c each other...

we wiill confiirm iinsiinuate each other...


he n another colleague Vincent r oso malAysiian frenz of miine...


we chatted bout perfuMes...

how he appliied perfumes...

well basiically ii found out...

iis juz almost the same as stepH...

den we both oso hv the habiit of collectiing The perfumE boTtlEs b coz of theiir exquiisiites...

As we were chattiing merriilY awae...

One of the auntiie hu was drYiing her haiir saes dat she has nv seen bOth gavin n vincent tokIing to a gal so HappiilY b4...

coz she saiid dat everytiime she coMes...

the 2 boiis r berii quiiet...

n steph tot to herself...

'Ya riite quiiEt...

As iif siia...'


n den she went On to sae wad we look alot lYke coUple...


ii got nth 2 sae loRz...

den suddenly gavin asked me iif ii beliieve dat a gal n a boii hu quarrels almost everytiime when they miit...

iin the end they wiill b come a couple...

ii turned to hiim n sae no iidea n asked hiim back iif he beliieves...

he saes dat he has a fren hu owaes quarrels wiif hiis gf iin the past fiinally reallii get together...

bUt iin the end our both conclusiioN iis lEt fate deciides lorz...


bUt lastly ii told hiim sae dat iif eva iin future he reallii beliieves...

he muz choose cArefulLy the gal whoM he iis quarrellIing wiif...

n mUz try hiis best nOt to owaes fiiNd faults wiif me...

Lest oNe dae everytiinK goes hAy wiiRed...


After lEna's haiir cut we went to the hawker ctr n ate kway chap...

b4 goiing 2 mY fave's pRomo stall Fiind hiim...

when ii went there n saw hiim...

he apologiised iimmediiately coz he sae dat hiis colleague had sold the tiingy whiich stePh had fanciied moSt straiiGht afTer ii hAd lEft...


sO sAd siia...

iindeed when iiTs nOT mEant to b urs...

reallii u Wiill Nv b able 2 get iit No mAtter how hard u lYke...

thUS as a 'PuniiShmEnt' 2 hiim fRom stePh...

ii asked hiim 2 help me chOose anOther 2 tiingiies...

He saiiD nO pRob n iin The end after bRowsiiNg thRu mOSt...

stePh had deciided oN 2 n wiill Pop by there agaiin 2 Get iiT aSaP...

iiN case they kEna sOld agaiiN...

n He JokiiNGly saiid dat iif everytiiNk liisted there had been soLd awae n ii could nO lonGer fiiND anii 2 My lIkiiNgs...

He wiill HV 2 pUt hIimselF up n PAsTe a 50% tag oN 2 hiimSelf...


@ dat moment when hE sae tiis stePh was sTunnEd 4 woRds n cOuld FiiND nTh 2 replY back...

sO ii can Juz oNlii smiilE back @ hiim...

But oVerall...

StePh felT swEet IinDeeD bY hiiS woRds lAhz...

thOugh iiT may soUnd as iiF they r juz sweeT toKs... ")

Iin ConClusiiOn...

StePh felT cOmfoRtable n @ ease chattiing WiiF hiim...

as ii niid nOT pUt a falsE mAsk iin frOnt oF hIim Wheneva ii C hiim...

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