A Gal LiiviinG onLii iin Her oWn World... W/o wAntiiNg To SociiAliiSe Wiif AnyOne... UnlEss NEceSsAry... Not Ez To CommUnIcAtE UnlEss tHeY R wiilliiNg To SpEnd TiimE n B pAtiiEnt 2 noE Her BEtA!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
BeLlO hEeLs
Saturday, January 30, 2010
DaY 3 oF mY nEw HaiiR CuT
WeLl Ytd was quiiTe bz sO nO chAncE oF cam WhoRiiNg oN daY 2 oF mY nEw hAiiR cUt...
Thus toDae iiS daE 3...
N aftEr ii hAd wasHed mY hAiiR...
TiiS iiS hoW ii lOokEd lIikE...
YeAh mY iiNnEr vIiOlEt ToNE hAs ComE oUt SliiGhTlY lE...
NiicE... =)
WeLl BasIicAllY Ii aPpliiEd a liiTtlE gEl on the TiiP oF mY hAiiR as Well As FrIinGE...
n Nth elSe...
So tIis iiS hoW ii lookEd lYke wiiF a Sliight cOmB 4 a FiinAl toUch...
StIill No mAttEr hOw ii LooK...
ii Do nOt LooK yOunG @ aLl...
deSpIiTe mAnii pPl SaY daT Ii m A lIiTtlE gAl nW...
So Wad Do U sAe???
Friday, January 29, 2010
ReViiEwS fOr My NeW hAiiR cUt
M sO lOviiNg iiT
nOt MiiTiiNg
WeDnEsDaY niiTe oUt
GaLs nIitE oUt...
aFtEr oUr DiinnEr...
Had tUmmY acHe...
sO we 2 QuiICklY ruShEd to the ToiilEt to Do Our BuSiinEss...
B4 cOmiiNg ouT to Cam WhoRe...
Ii was the fiiRst to Come oUt frOm the ToiiLEt n Bao BEii Was lYke...
'???? y sO fasT????'
After dat we went ard Parkway searcHiiNg 4 haiir saLons to cut haiir...
AsKiing ard 4 the priices...
Fiindiing dat iit wasn'T chEap afteraLl...
We ProcEeDeD oN tiiLl we reacHed Team sAloN...
N dats where we r satiisfIied wiiF the cHargEs...
Haha... =)
Once dOne...
We had cravIings to drIinK...
so we went to 7-11 n PurcHaseD 2 bottlEs of CarlSbErg...
Tiis tiime roUnd...
Wiithout the iice to diilute the beer...
StepH had a heaVy head after a few sIipS raTher Den red Face...
N bao beii oN the other hand was iin a clubbiing MooD desPiite siittIinG doWn at the NeiighBourHood plAygrOund...
Liisteniing to all the cLubbIing SonGs on mY i TouCh tiiLl fiinAllY no baTt.. =(
@ the sAme tiiMe laughIing @ me 4 bEiing such a faiIlUre...
DesPiite bEiing TraiiNEd consTantLy bY hEr...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
HaiiR cUt
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bz bZ BZ wEeK
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
MiiT uP wiiF BaoBeii
moViiE waTcHiiNg WiiF CollEaGuEs
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
DriiNkIinG sEsSiiOn
wE ate tIill Ard 7 Pm PlUs b4 headiiNg dOwn To PP...
tHeRe Ii tOld hEr dat ii wanna get dreSseS 4 CNY...
so we went shOppIing ard EspRit...
MangO n Pur pUr...
N fiinAllY managed to Get A few ii lYke frOm the lAtter...
after gettiing the dress N reservIing another One frOm Pur pUr...
Lena baobEii SuggEstEd we gO drIinKiiNg...
sO tiiNkiig dat siince we had OreadIi taken our diinneR...
There's nth mUch to WorrY boUt gettIing dRunK n GoiiNg hM lAte..
Thus Ii AgreEd n we went To The nEarbY CofFeeShOp where we weNt dRiiNkiiNg FreqUenTly...
juz oNlii Less then HaLf cUp...
My face bEgan to Turn Red...
N BaoBeii LaugHed @ me 4 bEiing sO lOusY...
Juz red OnlIi oSo noT drUnk...
CommEnT sO mUch...
SomEmoRe stiiLl JokiiNgLy saiiD dat ii hv got a berIi gd BloOd CiirCulAtIioN...
wAd makes mE more fedUp was dat she cor her fren n chatted thru out the whOle driinKiinG sesSiiOn...
mAkIinG mE eveN mOre bOreEdD...
Ii had fUn bY coNStAnTlY iiNtErUppTiiNg thEiiR coNverSatIioN thOuGh ii DuNnOe the PartY @ all...
Iin the end...
She dranK 2 bOttlEs iin All...
wiif me By her siide LooKiinG n StariiNg @ her...
Tiis was one of the dresses whiich ii triied on thurs when ii was out shoP huntiiNG for My chiinese nEw yEar clothiings...
Iin the end ii bought the piink chiiffOn dresS Hung bEhiinD FrOm PuRpUr...
Ii onlii managed to tK tiis Piic coz the One @ the back was quiite transpArent sO iit diid not lOok gd wiIf wad ii was weariing on dat dae...
So far ii Hv maNagEd to Purchase 3 dresSes frOm dat shOp...
4 New year's eve...
New Year's dae 1...
n New Year's dAe 2...
ii m stiiLl shOrt of dreSses for Ah GonG's cOmpany diiNner...
N mY scH's New year's dae PartY...
But ii hv seen Quiite a number of dresSes tiis tiimE roUnd...
FrOm esPriT...
HoweVa theY r meant 4 me to wear to WorK...
Nw ii m juz waiitIinG 4 Pay daE to come...
Den ii caN gO 4 mY sHopPiiNg oReadIi...
HoOrAy!!! =)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
HaPpY hApPy
Saturday, January 16, 2010
mY bAby cOusiiN AshlEy
Thursday, January 14, 2010