StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

BeLlO hEeLs

HeY pEePs...
Ii wAs So haPpY To b AbE to Get TheSe 2 PaiiRs oF hEeLs fRoM mY dAdDy...
TheY r A GiiFT 4 My CNY...
LuRvE @ fIiRsT siiGhT 4 TheM whEn Ii WaS oUt ShoPpiiNg N lUncHiiNg Wiif mY famIilY MemBeRs Ytd @ CiTy SquAre MaLl...
LuRvE the cOloUrS...
So SweET lOokIiNg...
gOnnA gEt mOre FrOm TiiS sHoP the NExt TiiMe RoUnd thOugh Ii SelDOm WeAr Them UnLeSs ii Hv sOmE oCcaSiiOnS...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

DaY 3 oF mY nEw HaiiR CuT

WeLl Ytd was quiiTe bz sO nO chAncE oF cam WhoRiiNg oN daY 2 oF mY nEw hAiiR cUt...

Thus toDae iiS daE 3...

N aftEr ii hAd wasHed mY hAiiR...

TiiS iiS hoW ii lOokEd lIikE...

YeAh mY iiNnEr vIiOlEt ToNE hAs ComE oUt SliiGhTlY lE...

NiicE... =)

WeLl BasIicAllY Ii aPpliiEd a liiTtlE gEl on the TiiP oF mY hAiiR as Well As FrIinGE...

n Nth elSe...

So tIis iiS hoW ii lookEd lYke wiiF a Sliight cOmB 4 a FiinAl toUch...

StIill No mAttEr hOw ii LooK...

ii Do nOt LooK yOunG @ aLl...

deSpIiTe mAnii pPl SaY daT Ii m A lIiTtlE gAl nW...


So Wad Do U sAe???

My CNY cLoThEs

ThEsE r WaD ii Hv BoUgHt reCenTlY FrOm PaRkWaY pUr PuR 4 mY cNy EvE n CnY 2010...
as weLl as 4 Ah GonG n EtOn HSe cOmPanY DiinNeR...
Ii lUrVe spEciiAllY thE pIinKs...
So SweEt...
ApOloGiiEs dAt u CannOt c Well...
Due to The aLmoSt sIimiiLAr cOntRasT of My BEdsHeeT...

Friday, January 29, 2010

ReViiEwS fOr My NeW hAiiR cUt

Tiis morNiiNg whEn Steph weNt to Sch...

Not manY teacHerS were AblE to ReCognIiSe me...

tiiLl They SaW me iiN pErsOn fAcE tO faCe...

TheY weRe lYke 'OMG!!! DatS u sTePh!!!'

OtherS weNt 'StePh!!! u LooK sO swEeT n CuTe!!!'

Few wEnt ' StePh!!! Dat wAs cOoL... Ii lUrvE uR nEw HaiiR cUt n cOloUr'...

a NumBer wEnT ' Nw u lOok Juz lYke A yOunG lAdY...'



DiiN nOe Dat mY tIis HaiiR sTylE caN cAusE sUCh a BiiG wOoHa iIn My ScH...



Iin AnIi CasE...

Ii M gLad DaT thEre R ppl AccEpTiiNg mY nEw HAiir cUt n ChanGe... =)

M sO lOviiNg iiT

Juz nW ii went 2 DerMa MeDiiC 4 my facIial AppOiiNtmEnT n was glAd to HeAr Dat mY Face hAs gOttEn BetA deN B4...

Whiich oSo mEaNs tO sAe iiTs IimProViiNg...


tHus wheN thE lAdY was HelPiiNg mE to Tk oUt my blacK n WhiiTe hEaDs aS weLl as cLoGgEd AcNeS...

Ii NotiIced Dat iit waSn'T dat pAiinfUl n mucH to 'retriiEvE' the diiRts oUt afteraLl...


So tiimE PassEd quiite quiicKly bY the tiiMe ii enDed mY facIiaL...

aS ii was BerIi tiiRed toDay...

Ii sLePt ThrU oUt thE whOle facIial AppOiinTmeNt...


aFter my FacIial...

Ii wenT oVer To ParkWay ParAde CharlEs n KeiTh n BoughT the abOve pAiir oF stIiLeTtOs...

Hiigh as iiT iis...

But Coz the DesIigN iIs nIice...

Thus ii Juz bOught iiT doWn to MatcH wiiF mY CNY ouTfIitS...

Ii m So Loviing EvEry MomEnT oF mY sHopPiiNg LiiFe thOugH kNowIing Dat iiT hAs To mEaN sPenDiiNg $$$$... =)

nOt MiiTiiNg

ytd had actually wanted to miit baobEii Up after My haiIR cUttIing...
Howeva coz due to Some IinterMedIiate DelaYs...
We hv to cancel the Plan of Goiing to eat steamBoAt @ RoxY sQuare...
N bAobeii was kiind Of Fed Up N UpSet Bout iit cOz Iif ii had toLd her earlIier...
sHe cOuld hv re- arranGed another miit up wiif her other frenz...
but as ii had no iidea @ all...
Thus was tiill 7 Pm pLus...
When ii toLd her dat ii StiiLl wasn't dOne...
She was bErIi frusTrated wiif iit...
So sorrY BaObeIi 4 Not AblE to IinfOrm U earLiier...
aS sUch cAuSe u To B sTuck @ nO whErE... =(

WeDnEsDaY niiTe oUt

GaLs nIitE oUt...

aFtEr oUr DiinnEr...

Had tUmmY acHe...

sO we 2 QuiICklY ruShEd to the ToiilEt to Do Our BuSiinEss...

B4 cOmiiNg ouT to Cam WhoRe...


Ii was the fiiRst to Come oUt frOm the ToiiLEt n Bao BEii Was lYke...

'???? y sO fasT????'


After dat we went ard Parkway searcHiiNg 4 haiir saLons to cut haiir...

AsKiing ard 4 the priices...

Fiindiing dat iit wasn'T chEap afteraLl...

We ProcEeDeD oN tiiLl we reacHed Team sAloN...

N dats where we r satiisfIied wiiF the cHargEs...

Haha... =)

Once dOne...

We had cravIings to drIinK...

so we went to 7-11 n PurcHaseD 2 bottlEs of CarlSbErg...

Tiis tiime roUnd...

Wiithout the iice to diilute the beer...

StepH had a heaVy head after a few sIipS raTher Den red Face...

N bao beii oN the other hand was iin a clubbiing MooD desPiite siittIinG doWn at the NeiighBourHood plAygrOund...

Liisteniing to all the cLubbIing SonGs on mY i TouCh tiiLl fiinAllY no baTt.. =(

@ the sAme tiiMe laughIing @ me 4 bEiing such a faiIlUre...

DesPiite bEiing TraiiNEd consTantLy bY hEr...


Thursday, January 28, 2010

HaiiR cUt


After such a long waiit...

FiinallY todae stEph went ParkWay pAraDe TeaM sAlon cUt...

ColouR n hiighliiTe mY hAiir...

The HaiiRsTylIisT JacK tolD me not to rebonD sIince ii wanna shoRteN mY hAiiR...

sO ii fOlloWed Hiis SuggestIioN n had a BoB stYle At the Back wiif sOme messIinEss Bed Head Kiind of loOk @ the siiDe...

Den Ii diiD 2 tOnes of ColOuRs...

IinNer HaiiR tOnE wAs vIioleT whIile the OutEr TonE was CoppEr BroWn...

The effEct wasN't dat oBvIioUs thOugH...

Looks darK...


But noNethElesS...

AftEr the Blowiing drY...

My siiDes N fRiiNge weRe So PuFfEd uP...

Den when Ii wenT to Show gOd mUm mY nEw hAiirStYle...

How loUd hEr lauGhter was...


shE sae ii lOok aloT lYke AuntiiE...

N yEpp ii agree...

ReallIi lOok alOt lYke One wiiF the PuffiinEsS...

AniiWae m Juz trYiing ouT a NEw sTylE...
So Hu CaReS!!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bz bZ BZ wEeK

Tiis whoLe weEk iiS stEpH's bUsiiEsT weeK...

Coz ii got Loads Of sTuffS to Do iiN oNe dAe...

Mon: BriinG aH mA go PolY cLiiNiiC 4 hEr reGuLar chEcK- Up...

WenT pUrpUr cOllEcT mY tOp...

TuEs: WenT PS wiiF cOllEaGues wAtcH the MovIie 'TooTh FaiRy'...

Den went to LenA bAobEii'S hSe SlAcK...

WeDs: MiiT lEna BaObEii gO pArkWaY eaT cHiicKen Riice...

Den slAcK Ard @ mArinE pAradE plAyGroUnd DrIinK...

ThuRs: RebOnDiiNg; tReAtMenT; CuT n ColOuR @ TEaM saLoN...

Den tO pUr pUr to CollEcT mY sTacK oF nEw tOps n DreSsEs...

Most pRoB Miit Up wiiF lEna Baobeii Go eat steamBoat @ RoxY sQuaRe...

FrI: Faciial appOiinTmEnT @ DerMa MeDiC...

cOz CNY cOmiInG Up...

tHuS sTePh Has gOt PleNtY oF stufFs tO gEt n PreParE...

So bz n HecTiic SeriiOuSlY...

But noNtHeLesS...

Ii m HappY... =)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

MiiT uP wiiF BaoBeii

AfTer thE mOviiE @ Ps WiiF mY cOllEaGueS...
@ ard 6.45 Pm PlUs...
StEpH caBbEd dOWn tO bAoBeIi LenA's Hse slAcK...
oNce we MeT...
We went to the NearBy 7-11 tO bUy cUp NooDlEs 4 dIinNeR...
cOz ii Had oReadIi lOst my VoiicE...
N dIid nOt WiiSh tO agGrAvAtE mY iiLlNeSs...
So ii Juz sTiicK tO eaTiiNg PlaIin ChiicKen NooDlEs...
WhiilE looKiInG @ bAoBeIi EaT Her ToM YaM FlavOrEd...
*sAd; SAD... sO SadDdD!!! =(
we ate Under the StarrY NiiTe sKy...
WatcHiing the MooN n Stars @ her NeArBy nEiiGhbOurHoOd...
bAoBeii sAe iiTs So ROMANTIIC!!!
FunNy Her...
buT ii Sae Not reallY...
Coz oF the CreEpS ii goT frOm the DarK...
HaviinG cOcKroAcHes cRawLiiNg uNder uR feeT...
HowEva sUbsEqUeNtLy...
ii FoUnd MysElf gaziing Up tO the niite Sky oN n off whIile chatTiiNg wiiF baObEii...
dEsPiite LosiiNg mY vOiicE n dRiiNkIinG mORe CooLiiNg teA...
StEph's VoiicE stiill diiD noT get anIi Beta...
sTiiLl Ii m tOkiiNg n ToKiiNG nOn sToP...
Chatiing boUt gUys we Noe n hV mIiT recEntLy...
iiT was FuN...
ReLaxIing n juz slAcKiiNg...
Not shOppIing...
Juz iiDliiNg Ard...
Was A gd tIink AfTerAll... =)

moViiE waTcHiiNg WiiF CollEaGuEs

tiiS AfterNooN ii...



N viNiTa's 2 chiildren went tO pS GV watcH the mOviiE 'ToOtH FaiiRy'...

Iit waS reallY a hiiLariioUs sHow...

n sTePh coUld nOt sToP her LaughIinGs...

M cOnsiiDered As the Loudest iin the WhOle cIinEmA...


cOz Iit was sUper FunnY...

@ the saMe tiiME wadEva the sHow Was aiiRiiNg...

ii CouLDn'T hElP reFlecTiiNg bAcK to Wad mY sCh chiiLDren Had dOne...

Iit was aLmoSt the sAme...

Dat ii n nAdia kIip sayIing whiich charActer LooKeD lYke whiicH cHiiLd...

N sTeph iin the fiiRst plAce Had OreadIi lOSt some oF her vOiice...

Thus By the TiiMe of the sHow...

Ii had loSt AlmOst ComPleteLy...

My thRoaT was TerriiBlY soRe...

N ii coUld not UttEr mucH sOunD fRom mY mOutH...


sO ii N Nadia sae dat We wUn B GoiiNg To scH tMl...

GonnA tk Mc...


juz KiiDdIinG onLii Ms. VinItA... =)

Ii m juz onLii woRriiEd BoUt mY Voiice...

N Ii m sCared dat ii wuN b ablE to proJect my Voiice pRoperlY tMl wHen SpeakIing to the cHiilDren... =(

nonEthElesS ii m ContracdiiCtiiNg mYseLf coz ii lUrve tiis vOiice lOads...

SounDs so SexY... =P

P.S: thAnkS ViNiTa 4 ThE mOviiE trEaTs

Sunday, January 24, 2010


LasT SaT sTePh got a shoCked frOm sOme 1...
FiinAllY he mAnAgEd tO plUcK up Hiis CouraGe 2 SpeaK to StePh...
StePh was sO sTunnEd n HappY @ the samE tiiMe...
Though iit was Nth Much...
Juz briiEf iinTrO n rEgards from eacH other...
Howeva stePh stiilL fElt swEet NonTheLesS...
HopIing to c n Chat WiiF mY BoIi mOre OfTeN tIis ComIinG WeEkEnDs... =)

Saturday, January 23, 2010


TiiS piic reallIi sUpEr daMn FuNnY...
Dat TiiMe bAoBeii tOok My cam n stArted diisturbIing Our stanDarD Photo FreN- Ah Boii...
She was BeNdiing doWn TrYiing to ObtaiiN SmTh when Iit So cOiinCiiDeNtaLly LanDed BelOw the Poster Of the Lady...
Iin thE end the EfFect lOokEd as Iif She was goNnA get PuncHed By thE lAdY...
Up tIill Nw...
Ah boii StiiLl do not Noe dat she HAd sUcH a ClasSiIC pIic iiN her ShoP...

DriiNkIinG sEsSiiOn

Last ThuRs StePh miiT bAobEii at ard 5 Pm 4 an EarlY diiNNer @ ChOng Qing SteamBoat near My Hse...
She had craviings 4 tOm YuM sOuP...
n sO wanted to Eat sTeaMy desPiite hEr UlcErs...

wE ate tIill Ard 7 Pm PlUs b4 headiiNg dOwn To PP...

tHeRe Ii tOld hEr dat ii wanna get dreSseS 4 CNY...

so we went shOppIing ard EspRit...

MangO n Pur pUr...

N fiinAllY managed to Get A few ii lYke frOm the lAtter...

after gettiing the dress N reservIing another One frOm Pur pUr...

Lena baobEii SuggEstEd we gO drIinKiiNg...

sO tiiNkiig dat siince we had OreadIi taken our diinneR...

There's nth mUch to WorrY boUt gettIing dRunK n GoiiNg hM lAte..

Thus Ii AgreEd n we went To The nEarbY CofFeeShOp where we weNt dRiiNkiiNg FreqUenTly...

juz oNlii Less then HaLf cUp...

My face bEgan to Turn Red...

N BaoBeii LaugHed @ me 4 bEiing sO lOusY...


Juz red OnlIi oSo noT drUnk...


CommEnT sO mUch...

SomEmoRe stiiLl JokiiNgLy saiiD dat ii hv got a berIi gd BloOd CiirCulAtIioN...


wAd makes mE more fedUp was dat she cor her fren n chatted thru out the whOle driinKiinG sesSiiOn...

mAkIinG mE eveN mOre bOreEdD...



Ii had fUn bY coNStAnTlY iiNtErUppTiiNg thEiiR coNverSatIioN thOuGh ii DuNnOe the PartY @ all...


Iin the end...

She dranK 2 bOttlEs iin All...

wiif me By her siide LooKiinG n StariiNg @ her...


Tiis was one of the dresses whiich ii triied on thurs when ii was out shoP huntiiNG for My chiinese nEw yEar clothiings...

Iin the end ii bought the piink chiiffOn dresS Hung bEhiinD FrOm PuRpUr...

Ii onlii managed to tK tiis Piic coz the One @ the back was quiite transpArent sO iit diid not lOok gd wiIf wad ii was weariing on dat dae...

So far ii Hv maNagEd to Purchase 3 dresSes frOm dat shOp...

4 New year's eve...

New Year's dae 1...

n New Year's dAe 2...

ii m stiiLl shOrt of dreSses for Ah GonG's cOmpany diiNner...

N mY scH's New year's dae PartY...


But ii hv seen Quiite a number of dresSes tiis tiimE roUnd...

FrOm esPriT...

HoweVa theY r meant 4 me to wear to WorK...

Nw ii m juz waiitIinG 4 Pay daE to come...

Den ii caN gO 4 mY sHopPiiNg oReadIi...

HoOrAy!!! =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HaPpY hApPy

WhY m ii So hAppY...
ii oso dunnoe...
Iits juz a casual chat wiif her on the msn last niite...
n some liite commEnts on Fb...
Yet tiis coulD maKe mE sO elAted...
Hmmm mAyb b coz of the pAst miisuNderstandIings We had boUt each other...
Thus when nw we began to contact Once moRe...
The feeliiNg was lYke iis BacK to nOrmal...
Back to the tiiMes when We were stiiLl iin sec ScH...
EsP viia the sociialiiTe iinterviiEw oN fB...
The closEneSs caN reallY b felt...
Oso wiif Qing Nan n Han bing joiinniiNg iin the cOmmEntS...
All thE mORe ii foUnd the past happIineSs we hAd lost 4 a Long tiime...
HopefuLly we can get Along well Juz lyke the past w/o anii fiinger pOiintiiNgs oN onE another...
We all hv to grow up n Mature No matter wad...
Hurtiing each other n damagiing the lOng term frenshiiP iis afterall CHIILDIISH... >.<

Saturday, January 16, 2010

BegiiNiiNg to lUrvE mY smiiLeS moRe

Iin the past...
Ii dun lYke to smiile @ all...
Even iif smiile...
Iit wiill sure b a berii fake oNe...
LatelY ii m BegiinNiing to smIile from the bottom of my heart...
N to reallY smIile...
Onlii to fiind dat actuallY...
Tiis iis actuallY such a woNderfUl giiFt fRom GOD... =)

aNothEr seSsiiOn of cam wHoriiNg wiiF AllY

Sae ChEeSe jiiE jiiE...

AlloWiiNg hEr to Tk PiicS of Me


SaTiisFiiEd smIile

GettiiNg thE pHonE to AnsWer

PasSiiNg The PhoNe to Ah mA

Wiif JiiE jiiE

SmiilIinG At The bLockS

PlayIing Wiif hEr blOckS

StOp tAkiiNg!!!

WiiPiinG oFf HEr sweats...

mY bAby cOusiiN AshlEy


Ii m IintroDuciing u To mY nEw bAbY coUsiiN AshlEy ChOo!!!

Nw ii stiiLl not sure hU she lOokS lYke...

But certaIin AnglE ii c dat she lookS quIite Lyke aLly Choo...

So cuTe...

So niicE to CuddLe...

So tiinY...

Thursday, January 14, 2010


YtD bAobEii mSg-Ed mE...

tELLIINg Me DAT heR GraNdmA had PassEd Awae...

Ii was sAd...

Yet anOther liiviing bEiing hAd lEft the World...

@ the samE tiimE...

Iit gEts mE tIinKiiNg...

y r there sOme ppl oUt there...

Hu oWaEs wiiLl Do tiiNks wHiicH thEy wiiLl RegRet vEry mUch lTr On iin theIir Liife???

Y cannOt they b more sEnsiiTiiVe tO theiiR SurrOunDiinGs...
EverytIime mUz waiiT tiiLl They hv Lost smTh iiN theiiR liives...
ThEn wiiLl thEy b aBle to NoE hoW to CheriisH...
ReflEctiiNg bAcK...
Ii m osO pArt oF theM...
ii hv bEen neglEctIing My FamiilY siincE ii Started woRk n goiiNg shOppIing Wiif my frEnz AlmOst EvEry weeK...
EsP toWarDs mY pAternAl grandMa...
Hu hAs lOokEd aFter mE siince ii Was BorN...
Ii m TrUly asHamEd 2 sae dat Ii had nOt spOken to Her 4 a berii Long tiiMe...
N felt aPoloGetiic 4 the fact dat she oWaeS had to get scOldiings fRoM mY dad dUE to hEr PartiiAl loSs of hEariinG as well as dementiIA...
Ii agree Dat toKiing to hEr moSt oF the tIime caN b Quiite frustratIing as she tends to 4gEt after awhiiLe...
Thus tiis was Oso pArt of the reasOn y ii shUt hEr ofF mY liiFe alMost coMplEtEly...
UnfiiLiiAl mE as U wOulD dEscRiibE me...
yes ii M...
ii duN denY...
n ii haTe myselF 4 dOiing iit...
Though deep down iiN mY head...
Ii tRulY luRve her lOaDs...
PrayIing everY niite 4 hEr...
HopIing she can LiivE tiill a riipe Old agE...
happy n HealtHy...
Several OccasiiOns...
Ii wiiLl eVen cRy Iin the miiddLe oF the Niite wiIF the same re- cUrrIing dReam of Her suddEnlY noT iin My liife...
The loSs ii WouLd MoUrN...
The rEgrets Ii wiiLl BriIng tiiLl Ii diiE...
WhiiCh ii So Not waNna hv sUch HappEniings...
Dats Y...
ii m Nw trYiinG 2 change MySelf...
TreatiiNg mYselF gd...
@ the same tIimE...
ConSolIing hEr LoNely hEart... =(
P.S. BaoBeii mY cOnDoLenCes 2 u...
Dun tIink 2 mUcH...
WaDs dOne hAs oReaDii HappEned...
U diiD noT mEaN iiT...
U dUn eVen wiiSh iiT woUld hAppEn sO suDdeNlY...
AlL u Hv hV 2 Do nW iis 2 stAy haPpy...
Ur GranDmA wIilL b FiiNe @ her nEw pLAcE... =)

ChEriiSh uR iiMmEdiiAtE

PeEpS oU thEre...
PlS chEriiSh uR iimmEdiiAte FamiiliiEs...
ReLatiiVes as wEll as Frenz...
Tiis iiS sO vErY iimPortaNt!!!
DuN Eva lIive iiN regRet After u Had miiSsEd tiiS chAnce...
Iit'S vEry SiimPle...
A sMs a Dae 2 uR kiinS wiiLl dO...
Niid noT exaggEratE...
Sae wadeva u woUld lYke to saE to Them wheneva u Can...
sHow them mOre care N cOncErnS...
EsP uR famiilY n GrandParEnts...
DuN feeL shY of HAviing to Say ' Ii lOvE yOu... '
Dun waiiT tiiLl theY r No lOnger bY uR siiDe...
iiT wiiLl ResallIi b Too LAte bY theN...
Iif u Hv noT starteD...
Do iiT riiTe nW...
Treat iit as A nEw 2010 ResOlUtiiOn...
StaY poSiiTiIVe n SpEak Riite... =)

BeSt To RmB

owaEs rMb dAt sOmeWheRe ouT there...
There wIill suRe hv a pErsoN waiitIing pAtiientlY...
waiiTiing SiilEntlY 4 u to tk Note of hiim/ hEr...
Not b coZ of loOks...
NeiiTher b Coz of PersOnaliiTiiEs/ CharacTerS...
juZ tHe momEnt...
When everYtiiNkS riitE...
All WiiLl Fall NiicEly iiN plAcE...
iit's niiCe...
SweeT n sIimplE...
Beiing ablE to faLl iin lUrvE...
W/o anii ComPliiCatIioNs...

DaNgEr pLs KiiP OuT

RanDoM piic...
Pls KiiP oUt of tiiS gaL iiF u Dun WaN anii UnwAntEd ProBs...

dRuNkEn StUpOr

Ii was OrEadIi AlmoSt tO the enD of the DriiNk...
But @ the sAme TiimE...
Ii stArtEd fEeliiNg Hot aLl Over dEspiITe the WiinD @ the VoiiD DecK...
WhiilE sTanDiinG uP to MovE boUt A liittLe...
Ii diid fEel aBiit oF GiiDdYnEsS...
Not as bAd as Ii toT iiT woUld b...
But stiill PretEndEd to Rest mY hEad slEePiiNg...

Bz bZ oN tHe pHoNe

baObEii Sae ii m ReallIi PrO iin Cam- WhoRiiNg...
AblE to tOk N tK piiCs @ the SamE tiimE...