StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, January 1, 2010

MiiT uP wiiF sEniiOr

YtD ii Went ParkWay Parade To MiiT up wiiF mY SeniiOr to Pas HiiM hiiS x'mAs cArd N giift...
At fiirst when ii saw hiim...
Ii tot ii wiiLl hv nth to chat coz we dun really noe each other dat well...
Howeva after chattiing 4 sOme tiime...
Ii found dat we had iindeed hv some tiiNks iiN coMmoN...
BouT the wae oF liiFe...
PpL's tiiNkiinGs n MiinDsEtS...
y We wannA tK The Same cOurse Etc...
Iin conClusIioN...
Iit was A greaT toK wiiF hIim...
N ii quiite enjoyed iit...
SiittIing doWn @ Ya Kun's...
RelaxiiNg n lAzIing ard iin the early warmTh Of the SunShiiNe...
ObServIing the Ppl ard Us...
Ii dUn FeeL anii stress @ all... ")

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