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Friday, January 8, 2010

BuGiS wiiF lEnA

earLiiEr oN ii went to miit LenA go BugiS...
hoWeva shE suDdenlY chAngEd heR plAn of WantiiNg to Go Sim LiM SQuare fIind her frenz...
she wanted her frenz to help her wiif her i phOne...
thus we went there at ard 5.30 Pm...
n lEft the place oNlii an hr ltr...
coz mOst of the tiime her i phOne cOuld nOt iinstaLl The Apps...
ThuS mORe TiiMe had to B sPent there... "/
Once out of Sim lIm...
we went to Bugis street lOok c LooK c...
she Was tiinKiiNg oF GettIing a cOver 4 her I PhoNe...
bUt to nO aVaiiL...
So iin The end we went to LooK @ clOthEs iinStead...
n @ oNe oF the sHoPs...
Ii saw a red sPaGettIi dRess tOp...
wEnt iiN 2 trY n FoUnd Iit loVelY...
WiiLl gO trY mY lUck nExt week to c iif ii can get dat piece...
coz the lady saiid iit was a new stock...
so She was afraIid dat iit mIite b sOld oFf bY dat tiiMe... =(
after shOppIing RounD the whOle of bugiS street..
iit was Oreadii near to 7 pm n she got to miit her frenz at 7.30 pm...
so we quiicklY head down to Bugis n grab a quiick biite from one of the statiioNs selliing Food FrOm Seuol...
once wE were dOne...
We went off separatelY...
ii went to tk bus 197 to go back to ah ma's hse...
whiile she took MRT to Go to oRchard... =)

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