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Monday, January 11, 2010

DriiNkiiNg AtTemPt No AvAiil

Last sAt coz of sUddeN ciiRcUmstanCes thus ii diid not go to the gym 4 my workouts...

Thus when lEna bAobEii mSged mE iin the mOrniiNG askiing iif ii wOuld b free iin the afternOon...

So ii agreed to mIitiing up wiif her...

As saiid wad we had done frOm the earliier Post...

after Mac...

seeiing dat there we hAd sOme tIimE lEft...

we had no where else to slack...

we deciided to go 4 a driink as Baobeii was craviing...


the place where we usuallY go was so pAcKed dat even fiindiing a plaCe to sIit doWn was TouGh!!!

iin the end...

we Giif uP the iIdea oF dRiiNkiIng n went to SlacK SomEwhEre nEar the Bus stOp whiile waiitiing 4 her bUs to come @ The same tiiMe...
Of coZ noT 4gEttiinG to Cam WhoRe n mAkiinG siiLlY faCes...

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