Juz nW ii went 2 DerMa MeDiiC 4 my facIial AppOiiNtmEnT n was glAd to HeAr Dat mY Face hAs gOttEn BetA deN B4...
Whiich oSo mEaNs tO sAe iiTs IimProViiNg...
tHus wheN thE lAdY was HelPiiNg mE to Tk oUt my blacK n WhiiTe hEaDs aS weLl as cLoGgEd AcNeS...
Ii NotiIced Dat iit waSn'T dat pAiinfUl n mucH to 'retriiEvE' the diiRts oUt afteraLl...
So tiimE PassEd quiite quiicKly bY the tiiMe ii enDed mY facIiaL...
aS ii was BerIi tiiRed toDay...
Ii sLePt ThrU oUt thE whOle facIial AppOiinTmeNt...
aFter my FacIial...
Ii wenT oVer To ParkWay ParAde CharlEs n KeiTh n BoughT the abOve pAiir oF stIiLeTtOs...
Hiigh as iiT iis...
But Coz the DesIigN iIs nIice...
Thus ii Juz bOught iiT doWn to MatcH wiiF mY CNY ouTfIitS...
Ii m So Loviing EvEry MomEnT oF mY sHopPiiNg LiiFe thOugH kNowIing Dat iiT hAs To mEaN sPenDiiNg $$$$... =)
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