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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

ShOpPiiNg n EaTiiNg

Ytd n todae ii met lena @ paRkWaY pArade...

Ytd was a last miin miit up coz she had her driiviing lesson...

Whiile ii had my faciial appoiintment @ 4.30 pm...

Howeva as she had wanted to go do Pedii n MediICureS b4 mIitiinG heR other Fren to Watch mOviie...

Thus she cor To aSk me iiF ii Can AccOmpAny Her eat diiNner...

No choIice ii Changed my AppOiiNtmEnT to 5 pm IinSteAd n Went eat chiiCkY Riice @ the hawkEr Centre...

AfTer The shOrt mIit up...

we Went oUr sEparate WaYs n aRraNged OuR toDay'S mIit uP...

sO todaY @ 5 Pm...

We miit @ the samE plAce PaRkWaY pArade...

But tiis tiime rOund We wEnt to Eat sTeamBoaT @ RoxY SqUare FooDCouRt...

n stAyed There ChiiT chAttIinG tIill 7 plus b4 goIing To PP sTanDaRd PhOto fIind Our Frenz...

Fiirst oFf...

We went HypnOsIiS n there she tiired oN a JumPer sUiiT as she wanted One 4 ClubbIing PuRpOsE...

Then we went to the fiitTiiNg rOom to TrY on...

N there wHiiLe waIitiiNg 4 hEr...

ii sNapsHots SoME pIics of mYselF n hEr Iin Her JumPer OutfIit...

cOz Of BoReDoM...

Ii tOok QuiiTe alOt oF IindIiViiDuAl pIics oF mYSelf...


OnCe we bOuGhT the SuiiT...

we went to fiind our fren n stayed @ sTanDard PhoTo nUaiing tIilL 9 Pm PlUs...


EnJoYed mYselF bEriI mUch...

ThoUgh was apOlOgetIic to All My Frenz 4 haviing to accOmoDaTe Me oWaEs niiD to MiiT ME @ pArKWaY... =(

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