YtD bAobEii mSg-Ed mE...
tELLIINg Me DAT heR GraNdmA had PassEd Awae...
Ii was sAd...
Yet anOther liiviing bEiing hAd lEft the World...
@ the samE tiimE...
Iit gEts mE tIinKiiNg...
y r there sOme ppl oUt there...
Hu oWaEs wiiLl Do tiiNks wHiicH thEy wiiLl RegRet vEry mUch lTr On iin theIir Liife???
Y cannOt they b more sEnsiiTiiVe tO theiiR SurrOunDiinGs...
EverytIime mUz waiiT tiiLl They hv Lost smTh iiN theiiR liives...
ThEn wiiLl thEy b aBle to NoE hoW to CheriisH...
ReflEctiiNg bAcK...
Ii m osO pArt oF theM...
ii hv bEen neglEctIing My FamiilY siincE ii Started woRk n goiiNg shOppIing Wiif my frEnz AlmOst EvEry weeK...
EsP toWarDs mY pAternAl grandMa...
Hu hAs lOokEd aFter mE siince ii Was BorN...
Ii m TrUly asHamEd 2 sae dat Ii had nOt spOken to Her 4 a berii Long tiiMe...
N felt aPoloGetiic 4 the fact dat she oWaeS had to get scOldiings fRoM mY dad dUE to hEr PartiiAl loSs of hEariinG as well as dementiIA...
Ii agree Dat toKiing to hEr moSt oF the tIime caN b Quiite frustratIing as she tends to 4gEt after awhiiLe...
Thus tiis was Oso pArt of the reasOn y ii shUt hEr ofF mY liiFe alMost coMplEtEly...
UnfiiLiiAl mE as U wOulD dEscRiibE me...
yes ii M...
ii duN denY...
n ii haTe myselF 4 dOiing iit...
Though deep down iiN mY head...
Ii tRulY luRve her lOaDs...
PrayIing everY niite 4 hEr...
HopIing she can LiivE tiill a riipe Old agE...
happy n HealtHy...
Several OccasiiOns...
Ii wiiLl eVen cRy Iin the miiddLe oF the Niite wiIF the same re- cUrrIing dReam of Her suddEnlY noT iin My liife...
The loSs ii WouLd MoUrN...
The rEgrets Ii wiiLl BriIng tiiLl Ii diiE...
WhiiCh ii So Not waNna hv sUch HappEniings...
Dats Y...
ii m Nw trYiinG 2 change MySelf...
TreatiiNg mYselF gd...
@ the same tIimE...
ConSolIing hEr LoNely hEart... =(
P.S. BaoBeii mY cOnDoLenCes 2 u...
Dun tIink 2 mUcH...
WaDs dOne hAs oReaDii HappEned...
U diiD noT mEaN iiT...
U dUn eVen wiiSh iiT woUld hAppEn sO suDdeNlY...
AlL u Hv hV 2 Do nW iis 2 stAy haPpy...
Ur GranDmA wIilL b FiiNe @ her nEw pLAcE... =)
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