StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Tiis mOrnIing when ii woKe up...
ii coUld stiill c the Batt On my hp was FuLl...
Ii was sHocCkeD Howeva thOugh DurIing mY lUnch when ii trIied to looK @ mY pHonE 4 anii msgs or Miiz CorS...
Iits Was oFf...
Ii triied swiitchIing Iit on...
Onlii to fIind dat iit was Low Batt n shut oFf cOmplEteLy yet agaiiN...
Nw ii Felt so HandiicaPped wiiF oUt My Hp...
Thank gOd hoWeva dat ii hv a sPare phOne to swap The Sim card...
OtherwiiSe iiT woUld hv beeN wOrSe...
WonDeriiNG iiF there's Anii One hU msGed But Ii Diid not receiIVe???
Ii waNna kNocK oFf FrOm woRk QuiicKlY so As to b AblE To chArgE mY bAtt... =(

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