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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FaTtEr n FaTtEr bY DaY

oH goSh latEly fRom All The bIingIiNgs oF FooD n snAcKs...

Ii NotiiCed daT ii M pUttIinG On wEiiGht!!!

sO ii SuPpOSe iiTs HiigH tiiMe DaT ii Hv tO cuT doWn oN mY diiEt n dO mOre WorkOuTs...

Ii niiD to RedUCe wEiighT...

Hate mY cUrrEnt lOok...

EsP whEn ii M sTanDiinG besiiDe YvOnnE n Lena...

The 2 Tall GaLs...

Makes mE lOOk EvEn cHubbIier...

n WoRse stIill...

When ii hV to KiIp LiisTeniiNG to Them sayIing How Fat they Look n how MucH they Hv to Lose weiIgHT...


Ii was sO PiiSsed Off Wiif them...
FrOm All thE piiCs ii Hv Taken wiif them...
C how mUch DoEs mY faCe loOk lYke A fiiShbAll...


sO ii TolD mYseLf dat ii nIid to Hv a BalAnce Meal...

But @ the saMe tiiMe to Eat lEsS n drIinK More Water tO detOxIifY mY boDy's IiMpUriiTiiEs...

So HopEfUllY ii wIill B ablE to sLiiM dOne to My dReaM weIighT oF 48 Kg...


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