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Saturday, January 23, 2010

DriiNkIinG sEsSiiOn

Last ThuRs StePh miiT bAobEii at ard 5 Pm 4 an EarlY diiNNer @ ChOng Qing SteamBoat near My Hse...
She had craviings 4 tOm YuM sOuP...
n sO wanted to Eat sTeaMy desPiite hEr UlcErs...

wE ate tIill Ard 7 Pm PlUs b4 headiiNg dOwn To PP...

tHeRe Ii tOld hEr dat ii wanna get dreSseS 4 CNY...

so we went shOppIing ard EspRit...

MangO n Pur pUr...

N fiinAllY managed to Get A few ii lYke frOm the lAtter...

after gettiing the dress N reservIing another One frOm Pur pUr...

Lena baobEii SuggEstEd we gO drIinKiiNg...

sO tiiNkiig dat siince we had OreadIi taken our diinneR...

There's nth mUch to WorrY boUt gettIing dRunK n GoiiNg hM lAte..

Thus Ii AgreEd n we went To The nEarbY CofFeeShOp where we weNt dRiiNkiiNg FreqUenTly...

juz oNlii Less then HaLf cUp...

My face bEgan to Turn Red...

N BaoBeii LaugHed @ me 4 bEiing sO lOusY...


Juz red OnlIi oSo noT drUnk...


CommEnT sO mUch...

SomEmoRe stiiLl JokiiNgLy saiiD dat ii hv got a berIi gd BloOd CiirCulAtIioN...


wAd makes mE more fedUp was dat she cor her fren n chatted thru out the whOle driinKiinG sesSiiOn...

mAkIinG mE eveN mOre bOreEdD...



Ii had fUn bY coNStAnTlY iiNtErUppTiiNg thEiiR coNverSatIioN thOuGh ii DuNnOe the PartY @ all...


Iin the end...

She dranK 2 bOttlEs iin All...

wiif me By her siide LooKiinG n StariiNg @ her...

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