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Thursday, January 28, 2010

HaiiR cUt


After such a long waiit...

FiinallY todae stEph went ParkWay pAraDe TeaM sAlon cUt...

ColouR n hiighliiTe mY hAiir...

The HaiiRsTylIisT JacK tolD me not to rebonD sIince ii wanna shoRteN mY hAiiR...

sO ii fOlloWed Hiis SuggestIioN n had a BoB stYle At the Back wiif sOme messIinEss Bed Head Kiind of loOk @ the siiDe...

Den Ii diiD 2 tOnes of ColOuRs...

IinNer HaiiR tOnE wAs vIioleT whIile the OutEr TonE was CoppEr BroWn...

The effEct wasN't dat oBvIioUs thOugH...

Looks darK...


But noNethElesS...

AftEr the Blowiing drY...

My siiDes N fRiiNge weRe So PuFfEd uP...

Den when Ii wenT to Show gOd mUm mY nEw hAiirStYle...

How loUd hEr lauGhter was...


shE sae ii lOok aloT lYke AuntiiE...

N yEpp ii agree...

ReallIi lOok alOt lYke One wiiF the PuffiinEsS...

AniiWae m Juz trYiing ouT a NEw sTylE...
So Hu CaReS!!!


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