StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, January 29, 2010

WeDnEsDaY niiTe oUt

GaLs nIitE oUt...

aFtEr oUr DiinnEr...

Had tUmmY acHe...

sO we 2 QuiICklY ruShEd to the ToiilEt to Do Our BuSiinEss...

B4 cOmiiNg ouT to Cam WhoRe...


Ii was the fiiRst to Come oUt frOm the ToiiLEt n Bao BEii Was lYke...

'???? y sO fasT????'


After dat we went ard Parkway searcHiiNg 4 haiir saLons to cut haiir...

AsKiing ard 4 the priices...

Fiindiing dat iit wasn'T chEap afteraLl...

We ProcEeDeD oN tiiLl we reacHed Team sAloN...

N dats where we r satiisfIied wiiF the cHargEs...

Haha... =)

Once dOne...

We had cravIings to drIinK...

so we went to 7-11 n PurcHaseD 2 bottlEs of CarlSbErg...

Tiis tiime roUnd...

Wiithout the iice to diilute the beer...

StepH had a heaVy head after a few sIipS raTher Den red Face...

N bao beii oN the other hand was iin a clubbiing MooD desPiite siittIinG doWn at the NeiighBourHood plAygrOund...

Liisteniing to all the cLubbIing SonGs on mY i TouCh tiiLl fiinAllY no baTt.. =(

@ the sAme tiiMe laughIing @ me 4 bEiing such a faiIlUre...

DesPiite bEiing TraiiNEd consTantLy bY hEr...


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