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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

sTePh n Mei XuAn JiiE jiiE

Last fRi...

The last dae of oUr scH hOls...

Mei XuaN jiiE jiiE n StePh tOok Tiis chance to tk As mAnii piicS as we coUld dUriinG the AfternOoN when A chiilD was slEepIing...


Had loAds funN...

CracKiing oUr braiiNs 4 the PosEs...

N was quiite fed Up when Our sPecs collIidEd wiiF onE aNothEr evEryTiiMe we Put ouR hEads Near to EacH other...

Dat iin One of the piiCs we dEcIided to Tk Off Our SpEcs...
but tiis dIin Not last lOng...
As the flashliites Of her Camera Hurt OuR eYEs loAds...
Dat we JokiiNglY saiiD we Were BliinD...

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