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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

ThE liifE oF siiNglEhoOd

Ii m EnJoyIing everY SecOnds...
EverY miiNuTes...
EverY hOurs n EverYdae oF mY liiFe BEiinG sIinGle...
Ii m FeelIing So carefRee...
Haviing tHe FreeDom to dO wad ii Want...
HavIinG to Go shOppIing as N whEn ii LykE wiif mY pals...
ConcentratiiNg oN my jOb...
StudIies as well as My famIilY...
Ii m currently iin niid to BuiiLd uP mY oNce vErY stRoNg n CloSe KniittEd famiiLy...
Eva Siince ii started mY woRkiing liiFe...
Ii hv been NeglEctIing mY famiilY as ii dUn UsUallY hEad straiiGht bAck hOme afTer WoRk...
Ii wiill B mIitiiNg mY bEstiiEs 4 diinNer...
ShOppIing n ChiiT chattIinG as CompAred to the tiiMes ii speNd wiif mY faMiilY memBers...
4 tiiS ii m quiIte ashAmed oF mYself as Ii nOtiiced dat ii hv Not beeN shOwiiNg mY fOlKs n granDma the care n Concerns whiich ii oNce had shOwered Them Wiif...
@ the SaMe tiiMe...
On the cOntarY...
Ii dUn dEnY dat iit can b qUiite LoneLy Not havIing a pArtNer bY mYselF...
As tHere R cErtaIin tiiNks whiich ii cOulD nOt shAre wiiF mY pArenTs...
bUt ii m ThanKfUl dat ii stIiLl HV mY mAterNal grandMa tO liiSteN to mE attEntiiVelY n UnderstanDiinG mE mUcH bEta Den my pAreNts...
hoWeva iin cOnclUsiiOn pRos n coNs iin cOmPariiSiiOns...
ii wOuld stiiLl bErii mUch pRefer to Lead a sIinglE liiFe as Of noW...
AfteraLl ii m sTiiLl YoUng n hv manii other IimPortaNt tiiNks 4 mE tO exPeRiiEnCe n lEarN...
ii wan to LiiVe mY liiFe to The fUllEst n grasP aLl tHe FreEdOm ii Can Get... ")

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