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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My NeW I- PoD ToUcH

YeAh FiinAllY ii GoT mY nEw I-PoD toUch...

tIis TiimE rOunD ii UpgRadEd iiT tO 32gB frOm My oRiiGiiNaL 8gb...

Ii goT AunTy ShareN to PaY 4 mE FiiRst...

b4 RetuRniinG the $$$$ bAcK to Her The nExt tiimE roUnd...

nW ii can fIinallY stoRe mOre sOngs n Changed diiFfErenTlY As n When ii Lyke depEndiiNg oN mY Mood...

Howeva lAtelY w/O iit By mY siiDe ii feeL so HanDiiCappEd...

Ii m So uSed to HaViinG mUsiic n LiisteNiiNg to Them whereva Ii m N wadeva Ii m DoiiNG...

But b coz ii got ChiaT to help mE d/L frOm Hiis ii tUneS...

Thus ii got to Waiit patiientlY 4 Iit as He iis appAreNtlY quIite Bz recentlY...

But ToniiTe hE iis Goiing to get iit frOm my GrandmA's HSe...

n HopEfUllY ii can get to LiisteN tMl... ")

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