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Friday, January 1, 2010

nEw Year ResOlutiiOnS

YtD whiilE chAttIinG WiiF sEniiOR bOuT the nEw Year...
He asKed mE iif ii hV anii ResOlUtiiOnS iiN the New Year...
Ii tot BouT iit n JokiiNgLy saiiD dat wad else BuT the saMe Lorz...
Hope iin the nEw yR...
Ii can get gd grades iin mY pSycHoloGy...
Den can gradUate suCcEsSfUllY n Do mY pArenTs pRoUd...
HowEva ThoSe were Juz pArt oF mY resOluTiioNs...
Most IimPorTanTlY 4 mY 2010...
ii wanna go TraveL to Diiff Parts Of the WorLd to ExpEriience n Learn frOm The Ppl oF diiFf culTures N tradiitiiOns...
Iin tiis wae iit WoulD b UsefUl 4 my cUrrent Job...
oF coz ii woUlD lYke to trY diiFf tiiNks whiiCh ii Hv nV reaLlii diiD b4...
Ii wannA enJoY mY liiFe as mUch as ii wOulD lUrve to...
4gettiiNg all my UnnEcEssArY stress n woRriiEs whiiCh ii hv giiVen to mYsElf ConstanTlY...
My aIiM 4 thiiS yr...
'To b sIimPle...'
SiimplE gaL...
SiimPle liiFe...
SiimPle lUrves...
Last bUt noT least...
Of coz to wiish mY famiilY...
N ppl Ard Me hU lUrvEs n Dotes On StePh...
Gd hEalTh n ProSpEriiTy... ")

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