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Friday, January 8, 2010

mY 2 ToPs BoUgHt bY SaM jiiE Jiie

ThesE 2 tOps were bOughT bY mY coUsiiN sAm JiiE jiiE when she was oN hOls @ Hong KoNg...

oNe iis A shoRt Sleeve whiile the oTher 1 Was lOng...

hoWeva ii dun wear the long onE quiite often b coz of the hot weather iin Singapore...

Ii wiill b sweatiing profusely by the tiime ii stepped out of the hse when under the sun...

HoWeva ii lyKe the desiigns of Both ToPs...

Berii Sweet LooKiing...

ThaNk u sO mUchiiE... ")

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