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Friday, January 29, 2010

nOt MiiTiiNg

ytd had actually wanted to miit baobEii Up after My haiIR cUttIing...
Howeva coz due to Some IinterMedIiate DelaYs...
We hv to cancel the Plan of Goiing to eat steamBoAt @ RoxY sQuare...
N bAobeii was kiind Of Fed Up N UpSet Bout iit cOz Iif ii had toLd her earlIier...
sHe cOuld hv re- arranGed another miit up wiif her other frenz...
but as ii had no iidea @ all...
Thus was tiill 7 Pm pLus...
When ii toLd her dat ii StiiLl wasn't dOne...
She was bErIi frusTrated wiif iit...
So sorrY BaObeIi 4 Not AblE to IinfOrm U earLiier...
aS sUch cAuSe u To B sTuck @ nO whErE... =(

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