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Thursday, January 14, 2010

DriiNkiiNg SessiiOn

Ytd stEph miiT Lena BaObEii...
She had wAnTed mE 2 AcCoMpaNy hEr gO dOwn 2 PAragOn 2 hv her I pHoNe repAiiRed OnCe agAiiN...
BaObEii Muz B sUpErbLy piiSsEd oFf bY nOw wiiF hEr PhOne 4 CauSiinG sO mUcH uNwAntEd pRoBlEmS...
HowEva We juZ went to the nEarBy CoFfEesHoP eat Zu cHaO iiN the eNd Coz stePh hAd sMth oN @ thE ltr Part of The Niite wiiF her FamIilY...
ThUs We cannOt Go ParagOn...
After dIinnEr Ard 7.15 Pm...
As we slackEd 4 aWhiiLe tHere ChiiT chAttIing...
We dEciided to gO hv a drIink...
So lOng as we hv the mOod...
Aniiwae iis FiinE wiiF uS 4 DriiNkiinG...
We went to 7- 11 n bOught alcohol...
shE boUght 2 bOttlEs of carlsBerG whiilE ii Bought a boTtlE of BreeZeR...
Den we hEaded dOwn tO the VoiiD decK n Started DriiNkiiNg...
TakIIng pIicS @ the sAme TiiMe too...
Tiis TiiMe rOunD...
StePh wasn'T drUnk...
No CrazY LaughTers...
MorE BurpiiNgS cOuld b Heard Iinstead...
As usUaL wiiF the ReddNess sWooNiiNg oVer stEph's Face n NecK...
bY the TiiME ii ReacHEd hM @ Ard 8.15 pm...
Ii had deveLOped iitcHiiNEss ard mY nEcK Area...
n BaoBeii Sae ii Hv Got to TraiiN uP mOre On My DriiNkiiNg sKiilS...
WeLl GaL...
WiiF u Ard...
No niiD to WorrY dAt ii Wun b AblE to dRiiNk iiN tiIme To cOmE...

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