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Thursday, January 14, 2010

ChEriiSh uR iiMmEdiiAtE

PeEpS oU thEre...
PlS chEriiSh uR iimmEdiiAte FamiiliiEs...
ReLatiiVes as wEll as Frenz...
Tiis iiS sO vErY iimPortaNt!!!
DuN Eva lIive iiN regRet After u Had miiSsEd tiiS chAnce...
Iit'S vEry SiimPle...
A sMs a Dae 2 uR kiinS wiiLl dO...
Niid noT exaggEratE...
Sae wadeva u woUld lYke to saE to Them wheneva u Can...
sHow them mOre care N cOncErnS...
EsP uR famiilY n GrandParEnts...
DuN feeL shY of HAviing to Say ' Ii lOvE yOu... '
Dun waiiT tiiLl theY r No lOnger bY uR siiDe...
iiT wiiLl ResallIi b Too LAte bY theN...
Iif u Hv noT starteD...
Do iiT riiTe nW...
Treat iit as A nEw 2010 ResOlUtiiOn...
StaY poSiiTiIVe n SpEak Riite... =)

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