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Saturday, January 23, 2010


Tiis was one of the dresses whiich ii triied on thurs when ii was out shoP huntiiNG for My chiinese nEw yEar clothiings...

Iin the end ii bought the piink chiiffOn dresS Hung bEhiinD FrOm PuRpUr...

Ii onlii managed to tK tiis Piic coz the One @ the back was quiite transpArent sO iit diid not lOok gd wiIf wad ii was weariing on dat dae...

So far ii Hv maNagEd to Purchase 3 dresSes frOm dat shOp...

4 New year's eve...

New Year's dae 1...

n New Year's dAe 2...

ii m stiiLl shOrt of dreSses for Ah GonG's cOmpany diiNner...

N mY scH's New year's dae PartY...


But ii hv seen Quiite a number of dresSes tiis tiimE roUnd...

FrOm esPriT...

HoweVa theY r meant 4 me to wear to WorK...

Nw ii m juz waiitIinG 4 Pay daE to come...

Den ii caN gO 4 mY sHopPiiNg oReadIi...

HoOrAy!!! =)

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