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Friday, January 8, 2010

HeeLs fRoM CharlEs N KeitH

Tiis pAiir of HEelS ii hv been wantiing to buy 4 a long lOng tiime siince ii fiirSt saw them...

Howeva coz ii hv been constantly waiitiing 4 an offer thus kiiP pUttIing Iit Off...

untiil Ytd...

When there was a diiscount ii bought iit down iimmediiatelY...

yvo sae iit Looks lYke a saiiLor UniifOrm...


Red n whiite...

Iit wiiLl b hard to match...

but ii juz dun care...

So long as ii lyKe iit...

aNii tYpe of tops ii wiiLl sure to b able to match iit wiif my heels...

wear My Own style rather then follOwiiNg the treNd iis Wad ii tIinK iiS mOst AppRoPriiAte...

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