StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

StEpH's oLd SpEcS

B4 bEdTiiMe...
The spEcs whiich stePh woRe iIs a YEar oLd nW...
But ii seldom wear tiis Go oUt...
coz ii Dun lYke iiTs mEtallIic cOlouR...
Thus ii WuN wEar iiT Go oUt unlEss To mY nEiigHBouRhOoD...
The teDdY was GiivEn bY nAdiA...
Iit iis iidentiical aS mY ex stuDent @ EtOn hoUse...
N ii nAMed iiT after hEr nAMe...
'MayA'... ")

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