StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

EmO- Iing

ThOugH tHroUgHoUt...
We jUz slAcKed Ard...
CaM- WhoRiiNg...
LiisteNiiNg to sOngs...
Chiit chattiiNG bOut B-G-R stUffS etc...
So SiimPle...
Yet the fEeLiiNg of UnderstanDiiNgs n HelpIing oUt eacH other dUriinG iin NiiD of trOubLes CoulD b FelT bErii StrOnglY @ daT mOmEnt...
ThanK u bAobEii 4 beIing there 4 Me...
Ii hOpe u FeeL the sAme Too...
StaY hAppY...
Ii wiiLl OwAes b bY uR siiDe nO mAttEr wad... =)

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