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Friday, January 29, 2010

ReViiEwS fOr My NeW hAiiR cUt

Tiis morNiiNg whEn Steph weNt to Sch...

Not manY teacHerS were AblE to ReCognIiSe me...

tiiLl They SaW me iiN pErsOn fAcE tO faCe...

TheY weRe lYke 'OMG!!! DatS u sTePh!!!'

OtherS weNt 'StePh!!! u LooK sO swEeT n CuTe!!!'

Few wEnt ' StePh!!! Dat wAs cOoL... Ii lUrvE uR nEw HaiiR cUt n cOloUr'...

a NumBer wEnT ' Nw u lOok Juz lYke A yOunG lAdY...'



DiiN nOe Dat mY tIis HaiiR sTylE caN cAusE sUCh a BiiG wOoHa iIn My ScH...



Iin AnIi CasE...

Ii M gLad DaT thEre R ppl AccEpTiiNg mY nEw HAiir cUt n ChanGe... =)

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