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Sunday, January 10, 2010

SlAcKiiNg @ mAc wiiF lEnA bAoBeii

Was oUt wiiF lEna yTd to parkwae after ii had my lunch wiif mY famiilY @ City SquAre mAll...

When ii reached The Place ii waiited 4 her 4 awhiile n we went to oUr Fave ChiiCken Riice @ the Hawker centre...

Den we went shoppIing @ cottOn On...

N there ii bought another Black Top 4 Onlii $10.00...

Oh GoSh...

My CuPboArD iis ReallIi FiiLlEd Out Wiif MoStlY BlAcKs...

GoTtA sEarcH 4 MoRe ColOurfUl WanTs 4 a mOre Even BleNd...


Had actually wanted to bUy the oNe wiif the sayiing 'HappIinEss iiS all abOut LearnIing To slP'...

Howeva after ii saw the tag dat iit waS suPpOSsEdlY to b wOrn as a Niite Gown...

Ii giif uP the iiDea of Buyiing...

sO after shoPpiing ard 4 sOme tiiMe...

We were Both tiired n BoRed of the plAce...

Thus we went to Mac...

Each hv a cup of driink n started slackiing...

She was oN her I pHone...

Lookiing 4 frenz to accOmpanY her 4 the ltr Part of the niite...

Whiile ii cam- whoRed n tOok piics usiing both My cam n Hp cam...

Tiill Iin the end...

Both All raN oUt Of batt...

N soBx!!!

Ii got to sToP takiing n changed to LiisteNiing to Musiic iinstEad...

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