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Monday, January 4, 2010


Iit's Owaes A bErIi tEdIioUs tIinK 4 mE to Do hAvIing To wakE uP eARLy IiN the MorNiIng @ 7.15 am...
Yes iinDeeD when Ppl Out there C me wriite tiis tiiMiiNg...
Ii m Sure to get Eiither A bEatIinG oR scOldiinG fRom Them 4 ComPlaiiNiiNg...
Coz ii Noe dat there r stiiLl Manii Ppl hU waKes Up eveN MucH EarLiiEr Then Me...
So Ii sHld Iinstead feel GratefUl 4 BeiiNg Able to Wake uP @ suCh TiimIing...
But On The oTher Hand...
Ii m Reallii iiN nIid Of slP...
sO 4 mE...
Iits reallii nOt EnuFf...
Ii hv to lAze ard On the Bed tiiLl 7.30 am b4 gettiing Up to WasH up...
By then My mUm wiiLl b enteriiNG my RooM usiinG wadeva she can fiind to hiit me n gettiing me to wakiie...
IiNclUdIing screaMiiNg hEr hEaD off...
Ii juz lurve to Liie oN mY cOmFy Bed...
DreaMiinG n RelaxIing...
Far awae froM RealIity...
IinTo mY oWn WorlD...
SaD to sae...
Ii stIill Niid to Come bAcK to My Senses...
DespIite all these UnWiillIingNesS...
Ii stIill WakiiE...
n gEt readY 4 woRk...
ii WiiLl b cOmpLetElY diiFf the mOmEnt ii Enter scH...
Ii wiILl feeL energiised n ReJuVenAted OncE ii M @ scH...
SeeIing the chiiLDren Enter the cOmpOund...
SeeIinG thEm greetIing u Wiif A sMiiLe n CuddlE...
Owaes BriightenS uP mY dae...
SeeIing the chiildren...
All mY tiirednEss iin the mOrniiNGs wiiLl DiiSiiSiiPaTe wiiF tHe wiiNd...

Ii DiisLykE waKiinG uP...
But ii LurvE mY ScH!!! ")

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