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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

GeTtiiNg BuRnT

LaTeLy Ii m So uNlUcKy...
mY toNgUe kIip gettIing buRnt bY hoT stuFfs...
On mOn when Ii was driiNkiing cHiickEn SoUp...
Ii got BurNt on mY tonUge...
Den agaiiN yTd when Ii was driinkiing the tOm yam SteaMbOat sOuP...
ii gOt BurNt onCe moRe...
UntiiL nw mY toNguE iis feeliinG sO soRe...
Dat iits hard to driiNk aniiMorE hoT bEveraGes...
sO unLuckY... "/

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