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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MoOnCaKe FeStiiVaL

Nw iis the chIilDreN's TuRn...

Let'S tRy...


C MiiS StEphAniE's MooNcAke... ")

All RushIing FoRwarD 4 The MoUlDs N cLaY...

KnEadIing theM iIn...
MakiinG sUre the clAy tK The sHapE of the mOulD...

OpEnIing uP the pAckEt oF WhiiTe clAy

LooK cArefUllY...

We r GoiinG tO Use WhiiTe ClaY to Make ouR owN mooNcAke...

C thE siimIilAriiTiiEs ChiilDrEn???

ShowiinG tHeM tHe siizeS...

ShoWiing the MooNcAke moUld to The ChiilDren...
Telliing them tiis iis hoW we Make mooNcAkes...

ShoWiing them Mooncake...
ExplAiinIing n AskiinG them The shApes...
TextuRes n cOloUrs...

Telliing the chiilDren Wad MooNcAke FestiivAl iiS aboUt...
Showiing them the lAntern...

B4 actiiviitiies...

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