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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

moViiE waTcHiiNg WiiF CollEaGuEs

tiiS AfterNooN ii...



N viNiTa's 2 chiildren went tO pS GV watcH the mOviiE 'ToOtH FaiiRy'...

Iit waS reallY a hiiLariioUs sHow...

n sTePh coUld nOt sToP her LaughIinGs...

M cOnsiiDered As the Loudest iin the WhOle cIinEmA...


cOz Iit was sUper FunnY...

@ the saMe tiiME wadEva the sHow Was aiiRiiNg...

ii CouLDn'T hElP reFlecTiiNg bAcK to Wad mY sCh chiiLDren Had dOne...

Iit was aLmoSt the sAme...

Dat ii n nAdia kIip sayIing whiich charActer LooKeD lYke whiicH cHiiLd...

N sTeph iin the fiiRst plAce Had OreadIi lOSt some oF her vOiice...

Thus By the TiiMe of the sHow...

Ii had loSt AlmOst ComPleteLy...

My thRoaT was TerriiBlY soRe...

N ii coUld not UttEr mucH sOunD fRom mY mOutH...


sO ii N Nadia sae dat We wUn B GoiiNg To scH tMl...

GonnA tk Mc...


juz KiiDdIinG onLii Ms. VinItA... =)

Ii m juz onLii woRriiEd BoUt mY Voiice...

N Ii m sCared dat ii wuN b ablE to proJect my Voiice pRoperlY tMl wHen SpeakIing to the cHiilDren... =(

nonEthElesS ii m ContracdiiCtiiNg mYseLf coz ii lUrve tiis vOiice lOads...

SounDs so SexY... =P

P.S: thAnkS ViNiTa 4 ThE mOviiE trEaTs

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