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Friday, January 8, 2010

StEpH miiZ MJR!!!

Juz Nw On MRT when ii Was Wiif Lena On oUr wae To BugiS...

We passEd bY mY ex Sec scH MJR...

N aLl oF a sUddEn...

seeIing the TracK n FiiEld...

SeeIing the bAsketBall Court...

SeeIing The CanteEn...

SeeiinG the Hall...

Seeiing the soCcer fiiElD...

Brought bacK manY mEmoRiieS dUriiNg the tiiMe whEn ii Was there...

EsP the SoccEr fiield...

CanteeN n bAskEtbaLl Court...

Dats where ii would owaes b everydae after sch whiile waiitiing 4 daddY to cOme n FeTch Me hM...

Iin the past ii would sure b at the 3 aboVe mentiiOned places wiithOut faiill b iit raiin or shiine...

ii would owaes b there wiif mY frenz walkiing rOund the tracK...

seeiing our seniiors PlayiiNg soCcEr n BaskEtfUl...

CheerIing thEm oN whenEva they had anIi FoRms oF matcheS or TournameNts...

tHose were the HappiiEst tiime Ii hv had iin my liife...

though duriing those tiimes studYiinG was nv mY iinterest...

Howeva stiill ii would b eager to go to sch early iin the mornIings...

Wakiing up berii wiilliingLy w/o neediing my muM to Cor me...

lEssOn tiimEs thOugh was nv boriing except 4 sOme...

Howeva ii Was glAd dat ii was iin the class of Sec 3 n 4I...

wiif a Class of happY Go LuckY frenz...

oWaes Makiing fun of the teachers...

Owaes Jokiing ard wiif One anOther...

We liitEraLlY n PractiicallY kiiP mAkiiNg a FoOL of OursElvEs...

DaTs WhErE ii noE lots of niice n Gd Frenz...






n manii oThers whiich ii cannot name @ such a short tiime...


Ii m reallIi happy n not regretful EnterIinG MJR... =)

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