StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

BeSt To RmB

owaEs rMb dAt sOmeWheRe ouT there...
There wIill suRe hv a pErsoN waiitIing pAtiientlY...
waiiTiing SiilEntlY 4 u to tk Note of hiim/ hEr...
Not b coZ of loOks...
NeiiTher b Coz of PersOnaliiTiiEs/ CharacTerS...
juZ tHe momEnt...
When everYtiiNkS riitE...
All WiiLl Fall NiicEly iiN plAcE...
iit's niiCe...
SweeT n sIimplE...
Beiing ablE to faLl iin lUrvE...
W/o anii ComPliiCatIioNs...

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