StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, January 7, 2010


IitS owaEs contRadiictiiNg dat when u hv to Wear UniifOrMs to WorK...
One Wiill tEnd to Envy the Other pArtY hU iiS able to Wear Home clOthes To WorK n ViiCe VerSa...
ii m Juz oNe oF them...
Iin the pAst when ii Was wOrkIing wiiF sHawS pRescHooL...
Ii had to Wear theiir UniifOrms...
n ii So cOmplaiined dat ii hv to wear the same tiiNk everYdae...
Iits so borIing...
SomeMorE iis So trOubLesOmE dat ii hv to brIing sPare clOthes to chAnge...
as ii fiind dat iit LooKeD weiiRd shoWiing the nAme of ur WoRkPlaCe 4 EvErYoNe tO c...
On the oTher hand nOw ii m woRkiing Wiif EtOn HoUse PresChooL n IintErnaTiiOnaL scH...
Ii can wear My hOme cLothes to Work...
But Hey!!!
Here cOmes the pRobLem...
Ii hv lots of clOthes...
A biig cUpbOard PlUs a chest oF drawer...
Tiis ii dUn DenY...
Howeva wiif these can U bEliieve dat ii StIill couLn't fiiNd anii cLothEs suiiTable 4 wOrk alMoSt everydae...
Ii m Haviing headaches every niite rUmmAgGiIng Thru My cUpBoard Searchiing n MatchIing My cLothes b4 gOiing to Bed...
iit seeMs liike desPiite All these much of clothes ii hv RecEiiVed mOStlY FrOm nAdia N yvOnne...
wHiilE soMe bOught By Myself...
LooKS lyke ii Got 2 rePlenIish MoRe clothEs 4 thE nEw Year as weLl As 4 My WorK...
Iin CoNclUsiiOn...
There r PrOs n CoNs To eVerytiiNk...

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