StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

UgLy StEpH

StePh was tRyiiNg to MulTii TasK when Mei XuaN tOok Tiis Piic of Me...
as the chIilD was Sleepiing...
Ii could use oNlii My ear piiece to liisten to the Musiic frOm YoutubE...
Lately ii m sO iinto The sOng 'You BelOng With Me' By taYloR sWift...
Dat wheneva ii m free ii wiiLl suRe Log iin To liISteN...
Besiides dat ii m oso updatiing mY blog n BroWsIing thRu mY Fb...
Stiill wasn't alert enuff dat she got the OppOrtUniiTy to SnaP shOT mE....
So UglY... =(

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