StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

So IiNtO SiiNgiiNg

Todae ii miit Yvo gO pArkWaE...

So we walkEd ard the mAll to DeciiDe wads 4 diinner @ 4.30 pm...

1St stop we went to DelifRaNcE...

N there whIile LookIiNg @ the mEnU...

Ii saw SalLy MummY ( oNe of My Ex ShaWs TeachEr ) n MrS. Ng ( ShAwS afterscH care ChiilD KeiTh's mUmmY ) siittiing there chattiing...

Thus ii went iin n sae 'HellO' to them...

we chatted 4 awhiile b4 goIinG bacK to FiinD YvO...

Iin The End we deciided on GoiiNg to MOS bUrgEr...

There ii ordered a terriYAkI chiiCken Burger mEal...

N sHuCkS!!!

After biitIing 4 sOme tiiMe...

Ii bIit The siiDe oF mY mOutH AccIidEntaLlY n iiT BlEd aLiiTtLe...


HoW UnLucKy...

Ii ReallIi WoNdered wad hAd HappEned To My EatiiNgS lateLy...

Owaes GettIing Hurt...

Once we had fiiNiishEd oUr earLy diinnEr...

we sat doWn n chiit ChattEd On the coUcH...


uPdaTiiNg On OnE aNoThEr's LiiVes Etc...

n she tOld mE dat she had fOund Me LooKiiNg mUcH mOre OlDEr Den my eXacT aGe...

Ii Was lYkE...




M ii???

Oh GoSh...

But NvM...

@ lEaSt lYke Dat beta...

PpL WiiLl TiiNk dat Ii m Mature...

N there she went...

Faciial appearance MatuRe...

But Not the miindsEt...

N ii Was LykE '......'

No ComMents...


As we toK...

Ii asKed Her Iif we r GoIing tO carry On Wiif Our PlaN of SiiNgiiNg K @ TeO henG...

N shE saiiD 'YeaP'...

So we mAde a BooKiing @ 7 pm...

Howeva at 6 Pm...

tHe LaDY cOr to sae dat there's an avaiilable slot 4 us @ 6.30 pm n asked iif we wanna accept...

Thus we agreed n set off frOm Pp after sHoPpiiNg @ CharlEs n KeitH...

CottOn On N BlUe mAx...

StePh was HappY b coz ii Bought mY lOnG aWaiited Heels fRom CharlEs n Keith @ $39.90 uSiing the $20.00 VouchErs whiich VinIta Giif Me the other tiime...

Next @ CoTtOn On...

Ii BouGht a BlacK n WhiITe StrIipE Top 4 Juz oNlii $5.00...


But Coz gotta BudGet 4 Ltr uSe...

Thus Ii Diin dare to Buy More...

Howeva ii Saw aNotHer tOp...

WhiicH iiS sIimPle But Ii Lurve the WoRdIings IiMpRiiNTed Oon iiT...

Iit SaYs 'The OnLii HappIiNeSs iiS SlEePiiNg...'

HoW trUe...

M gOnnA gEt iiT sOon...

$10.00 oNlii SoMemORe...


Worth the bUy as SaiId bY YvO... ")

Last sTop b4 wAlkiiNg oVer to KatOng ShoppIing CentRe...

We PoPpEd By BluE mAx ViDeOs n got mY 2 ReservEd KoReaN DvDs 4 $70.00 PluS...

n We HurriiEd Off To TeO hEng...

Once we reached there...

We quiickly named the sOngs whiich we wanted to sIiNg n was so hiigh ard the 4th sOng...

We sang Korean...

ChiinEse n EnglIisH sOngs...

DanCiinG to the SonGs of 'NobOdY' n 'SoRrY SoRrY'...

dUrIinG IinTervaLs...

We sPaMmEd the CaMerA wiiF oUr PiiCs...

EsP YvO...

TooK lOts oF her oWn PiicS...

FunnY shE looKed...

Wiif her vAriioUs poSiiEs...


GonnA hv them UplOaDed TmL...

We sang 4 ThRee Hrs...

FrOm 6.30 pm - 9.30 pM...

UntiiL bY ThE tIimE ii ReAched Hm...

Ii hv lost my voiiCe...

bUt stIill Ii Had fUn wiiF yVo desPiite bEiing charged $35.90...


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